May 17, 2021

Events : JoRC

This scientific manifestation is placed under the scientific direction of Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, Pascale Idoux, Antoine Oumedjkane and Adrien Tehrani. It is organized by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and by the Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique de l'Université de Montpellier (Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Administratives de Montpellier and Centre du Droit de l'Entreprise).

📅 This manifestation is part of the cycle of colloquia organized in 2021 around the general topic of Compliance Monumental Goals. 




The interventions will give rise to the production of articles which will be part of

 📕  Les bus monumentaux de la Compliance📚   to be published in the Series Regulations & Compliance , co-published par the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz.

📘Compliance Monumental Goals, 📚   dans la Série Compliance & Regulation , co-published by par le Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant.


This manifestation took place on Zoom on 17th of May 2021. 


Assistance to this event may be validated as part of the continuing education of lawyers.

In addition, scientific videos will be extracted and disseminated later.


Presentation of the topic: In the overall problematic of "Monumental goals", this conference retains a particular case: that of the crisis and the emergency situation that it generates.

First of all, in general, does the importance of public norms in the emergency context engendered by a crisis situation imply a marginalization of Compliance? Don't private actors also have their place in these circumstances, at the service of the "monumental goals" that the public authorities want to maintain, or even which appear specifically?

Secondly, more concretely, we have been living for many months in a health crisis. By taking it as a framework and, within it from particular cases, how public and private actors react, act, adjust? and how do the courts assess these movements?

Going from the most general to the most specific, this conference aims to identify criteria, limits, of what could be specific rules when the emergency of a crisis meets Compliance, and will examine specific situations.


Working method: The conference is therefore built on a general issue, which was the subject of a "working paper", written by Antoine Oumedjkane, Adrien Tehrani and Pascale Idoux, on which the speakers will have thought in advance and from which they are intended to study the question from their particular perspective.

The conference, which is essentially interactive, therefore begins with an outline of the main lines of this general work. It is followed by the examination of concrete practical cases.

They are as follows:

1️⃣ hydro-alcoholic gel, its manufacture, price, availability,

2️⃣ information and regulation on all media in Covid period

3️⃣ the use of the bicycle during the state of health emergency

A first conclusion, thematically limited, will relate to Revealed by the crisis situation, the place of private initiative in Compliance Law.

A second, more general, undoubtedly open-ended conclusion is drawn from this confrontation between general reflection and concrete cases which must be resolved in a particular crisis.



🎤 Jean-Bernard Auby, Emeritus Professor of Sciences po (Paris)

🎤 Julien Bonnet, Professor at Montpellier University and member of the CERCOP

🎤 Guylain Clamour, Dean of Montpellier Law School

🎤 Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, agrégée des Facultés de droit, Professor of Regulation and Compliance Law at Sciences Po (Paris) and Director of the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC)

🎤 Pascale Idoux, Professor at Montpellier University 

🎤 Pascale Léglise, adjointe au directeur des libertés publiques et des affaires juridiques (Deputy Director of Civil Liberties and Legal Affairs) of the Ministère de l'intérieur (Home Ministry)

🎤 Michèle Léridon, Member of the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (French Media Regulator), President of the working group Pluralisme, déontologie, supervision des plateformes en ligne (Pluralism, Deontology, Supervision of Online Platforms)

🎤 Antoine Oumedjkane, Researcher of the Centre de recherche et d'études administratives (Research and Administrative Studies Center) of Montpellier University

🎤 Nelly Sudres, Maître de conférences at Montpellier University and member of the Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Administratives (Research and Administrative Studies Center) of Montpellier University

🎤 Adrien Tehrani, Professor at Montpellier University and member of the Centre du Droit de l'Entreprise (Company Law Center)

🎤Xavier Vallad, Group Legal Director, Intermarché


⤵️Read a more detailed presentation of the manifestation below:

Updated: May 29, 2012 (Initial publication: May 18, 2012)

Breaking news

In the United Kingdom, the Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, by noting the wrongdoing of the scandal of the Breast implants PIP and the clumsy way in which this type of scandal, alarming the population, had been resolved by health authorities, has commissioned a study in January 2012 to analyse this crisis and learn from it behavior lessons for similar crises. On May 14, 2012, the report was published. This report advised the regulator, when it is faced with this type of crisis, to expand its sources of medical information before making provisions, that it didn't do sufficiently. The regulator must also communicate as much as possible with the victims on the one hand (first circle) and the public (second circle) to give information, reassure and encourage good medical behavior.

Updated: Dec. 29, 2011 (Initial publication: Dec. 29, 2011)

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Régulation et crises du capitalisme

Updated: Dec. 21, 2011 (Initial publication: Nov. 17, 2011)


Updated: Dec. 8, 2011 (Initial publication: Oct. 5, 2011)

Releases : Neutrality in Systems of Economic Regulation

Translated Summaries


The subject of neutrality brings to my mind a certain number of preliminary ideas and reminiscences.

First of all, the image of Buddha comes to mind, because it alone expresses the extent to which neutrality is an endless subject, since by thinking about the fact that he isn’t thinking about anything, Buddha is still thinking about something. It also makes me think of contemporary music’s constant attempts to attain a form of neutrality: yet this goal remains unattainable, because it is evident that the search for the neutral, in a sound or a timbre, can probably never be found.



Tout d’abord, la figure du Bouddha, qui exprime à elle seule combien la question de la neutralité est un thème sans fin, car en pensant qu’il ne pense à rien, le Bouddha pense malgré tout à quelque chose.

Il me fait penser aussi à la musique contemporaine, à son souci constant d’atteindre une forme de neutralité ; préoccupation à jamais déçue lorsqu’elle reconnaît ultimement que le neutre, en ayant toujours une qualité – un son, un timbre - est probablement introuvable.



El principio de los estándares de la neutralidad (el ejemplo de estándares de contabilidad)

El tema de la neutralidad trae a luz un cierto número de ideas preliminares.

Para comenzar, la figura de Buda viene a mente, porque él sólo expresa la naturaleza interminable que es el tema de la neutralidad, ya que al pensar en el hecho de que él no piensa en absolutamente nada, Buda aún así piensa en algo. También me hace pensar el intento constante de la música contemporánea de alcanzar una forma de neutralidad: pero este objetivo permanece inalcanzable, porque es evidente que la búsqueda de lo neutral, en un sonido o un timbre, probablemente nunca se podrá encontrar.


Other translations forthcoming.

Updated: Sept. 19, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 14, 2011)
