Updated: Nov. 20, 2012 (Initial publication: Oct. 5, 2012)

Breaking news

La régulation bancaire européenne est toujours en attente de réforme, les Etats-Unis ayant adapté les règles par la loi Dodd-Frank, notamment via la règle Volcker qui exige au sein des banques la séparation de certaines activités et interdit aux banques de dépôt une liste d'activités. En Europe, le Royaume-Uni dispose du rapport de la Commission Vickers, qui prône un système beaucoup plus radical et d'une autre nature, à savoir la séparation entre les banques de dépôt et les banques d'investissement. La Commission Européenne a demandé sur le même thème un rapport à la Commission Liikanen. Celle-ci a rendu son rapport le 2 octobre, dont les conclusions se situent entre les deux. Le rapport ne demande pas la séparation préservant le modèle continental de la banque universelle, mais préconise à l'intérieur des banques la séparation des activités non-risquées de gestion de fonds (qui continueraient d'être garanties par l'Eat) et des activités risquées de gestions de fonds (qui cesseraient de bénéficier d'une telle garantie).

Updated: June 4, 2012 (Initial publication: June 4, 2012)


Updated: May 9, 2012 (Initial publication: April 17, 2012)

Breaking news

The pay affected by the first hundred American companies to their best paid corporate officersrepresent more than 2 billion, notably because they include stock options. For the moment, the provision of the Dodd-Frank Act requiring companies to publish the ratio between the remuneration of the officers and the average remuneration of employees, whose the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) must control effectiveness, is not currently observed.

Updated: May 9, 2012 (Initial publication: April 17, 2012)

Breaking news

It was expected that the CEO of the Citigroup Bank receive for 2011 a salary of 15 million, a part immediately, and the other part deferred, and approximately 155 times the average earnings of employees, and while the Citigroup stock price fell from 45% in 2011. Consulting firms advised shareholders to express an unfavourable opinion to this draft resolution, presented in the General Assembly by the Board of Directors of the Bank under the Dodd-Frank Act. Two Consulting firms advised to deliver a negative vote, believing that compensation was disproportionate. Shareholders followed this advice.This is the second time that a such disapproval is expressed.

Updated: Jan. 4, 2012 (Initial publication: Dec. 14, 2011)

Releases : I. Isolated Articles

Translated Summaries

In The Journal of Regulation the summaries’ translation are done by the Editors and not by the authors


While financial regulation aims at achieving market stability, regulating markets can sometimes take an ironic turn when regulations end up having consequences that differ from their original regulatory purpose. The article provides such an example of regulation’s irony: how a regulatory change in Germany led Moody’s to downgrade 12 banks, therefore weakening such institutions and consequently enhancing the current issues of market volatility and credit cost.



Bien que la réglementation financière vise à assurer la stabilité du marché, la régulation des marchés peut parfois prendre une tournure ironique quand la régulation finit par avoir des conséquences qui diffèrent de son objectif de régulation d’origine. L’article fournit un exemple de l’ironie de la régulation : comment un changement de réglementation en Allemagne a conduit Moody’s à déclasser 12 banques allemandes,, donc à affaiblir ces institutions et par conséquent à accroître les problèmes actuels de la volatilité du marché et le coût du crédit.


Quando la regolazione è volta ad ottenere la stabilità del mercato, l’evoluzione di questi mercati oggetto di tale regolazione può essere particolarmente ironica quando la regolazione ha delle conseguenze ben differenti da quelle originariamente prepostesi. Questo articolo cerca quindi di mettere in evidenza un esempio di questa ironia: in effetti, un cambio di regolatore in Germania ha portato Moody’s a tagliare il rating di 12 banche, indebolendo ancora di più tali istituzioni ed aumentando si conseguenza le questioni relative alla volatilità del mercato e del costo del credito.


Other translations forthcoming

Updated: Dec. 22, 2011 (Initial publication: Dec. 16, 2011)


Updated: Dec. 8, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 22, 2011)

Releases : Neutrality in Systems of Economic Regulation

Updated: Oct. 3, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 21, 2011)
