Updated: Dec. 8, 2011 (Initial publication: June 28, 2011)
Sectorial Analysis
In February 2011, the "Autorité de régulation des jeux en ligne" (ARJEL – French Online Gambling Regulatory Authority) has asked Pokerstars to shut down its Home Games, which the online gambling site has agreed to do. After that,the regulator has written to all operators to remind them that any modification of their platforms must be submitted to it for prior approval. This appoval has been given on may, 12, 2011. The Home Game is reserved to players, which account member has been validated by Pokerstar.
Relazione tematica (Scommesse): L’autorità francese di regolazione dei giochi on line (ARJEL) ha omologato il The Home Games’ Pokerstars, dopo aver annullato
Durante il mese di febbraio 2011, la "Autorité de régulation des jeux en ligne" (ARJEL – l’Autorità francese di regolazione delle scommesse online) ha richiesto alla società Pokerstars di interrompere il suo Home Games e la società si è conformata a tale richiesta. Successivamente, l’Autorità di regolazione ha scritto a tutti gli operatori ricordando che ogni modificazione della loro piattaforma dovrà essere sottoposta alla sua autorizzazione. Il 12 maggio 2011, è stata concessa questa autorizzazione. The Home Game è dunque riservato a degli utenti, il cui account è stato controllato e confermato da Pokerstars.
Updated: Dec. 6, 2011 (Initial publication: Oct. 10, 2011)
Sectorial Analysis
Translated Summaries
In The Journal of Regulation the summaries’ translation are done by the Editors and not by the authors
Thematic Report (Gambling): The European Commission, despite specific taxation measures, has approves the Danish law of liberalisation of online gambling.
On September 20th 2011, the European Commission declared the new law liberalising gambling in Denmark in line with EU rules. This law creates lower taxes for online casinos than for land-based one, and the Commission declared it compatible with European state aid rules, since the positive effects of the liberalisation of the sector outweigh potential distortions of competition.
Relazione tematica (Scommesse): La Commissione europea, nonostante i provvedimenti di imposizione specifici, ha approvato la legge danese di liberalizzazione di scommesse online.
Il 20 settembre 2011, la Commissione europea ha dichiarato che la nuova legge che prevede la liberalizzazione delle scommesse in Danimarca è conforme alla legislazione europea. Questa legge crea delle tasse meno importanti per i casino online rispetto a quelle che colpiscono i casino fisicamente esistenti. La Commissione ha dichiarato che tale legislazione è conforme alla legislazione europea in materia di aiuti di stato, in quanto gli effetti positivi della liberalizzazione di questo settore hanno un’importanza maggiore delle potenziali distorsioni della concorrenza.
Other translations forthcoming.
Updated: Sept. 21, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 21, 2011)
Sectorial Analysis
Translated Summaries
On the 16 september 2011, the German Land of Schleswig-Holstein is the first in Germany to implement a law on online gambling, which appears to be one of the most modern and liberal in Europe.
Le 16 septembre 2011, le land allemand de Schleswig-Holstein est le premier en Allemagne à appliquer une loi sur les jeux en ligne, qui semble être l’une des plus modernes et des plus libérales en Europe.
Informe Temático (el Juego): El Land of Schleswig-Holstein alemán implementa una nueva ley sobre el juego en la red.
El 16 de septiembre del 2011, el Land of Schleswig-Holstein alemán es el primero en Alemania de implementar una ley sobre el juego en la red, lo cual aparenta ser una de los más modernos y liberales en Europa.
Other translations forthcoming.
Updated: Sept. 19, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 19, 2011)
Sectorial Analysis
An advertisement broadcast in Burkina Faso for an insecticide did not reveal its health risks. The national media regulator published a decision on September 6, 2011 ordering that it be taken off the air and “requested” that the media refrain from broadcasting advertisements dangerous for human health and dignity.
Updated: May 11, 2011 (Initial publication: Feb. 10, 2011)
Sectorial Analysis
Fiche thématique (Finance): l’Allemagne transpose la directive OPCVM IV
L’Allemagne a modifié le 15 décembre 2010 son cadre légal sur l’investissement en application de la directive OPCVM IV (Directive 2009/65/EC). La nouvelle loi introduit trois principaux changements dans le régime fiscal, le cadre légal des fonds de micro-finance et la supervision des investissements.
Thematischer Bericht (Finanz) : Deutschland überträgt die OGAW-IV-Richtlinie.
Deutschland hat das Investmentgesetz am 15. Dezember 2010 verändert, um es zur OGAW IV-Richtlinie (Richtlinie 2009/65/EC) gemäß zu machen. Eingeführt wurden drei Hauptveränderungen im folgenden Bereichen: Das Steuerregim und das Rechtssystem von Mikrofinanz, sowie die Investmentsaufsicht.
Informe temático (finanza): Alemania implementa el UCIT IV directive
Alemania adoptó una ley que modifica el marco legal de inversiones en aplicación del UCITS IV Directive (Directive 2009/65/EC) el 15 de diciembre del 2010. Esta ley introduce tres cambios substanciales, en el área de impuestos, en el marco de fondos de microfinanzas y en el régimen de supervisión de las inversiones.
Updated: May 11, 2011 (Initial publication: Jan. 10, 2011)
Sectorial Analysis
On December 10, 2010, the Commission de Régulation de l’Energie (CRE – French Commission for Energy Regulation) and the Autorité des marches financiers (French Securities Regulator – the AMF) entered into a memorandum of understanding (the MoU). Cooperation between these two sector based regulators is, for the most part, set against the background of, and aims at, a better (or, rather, burgeoning) regulation of the market for CO2 emission allowances and is grounded in the following principles: - both regulators undertake to transmit information necessary to fulfilling each other’s respective expanded legal mandate, i.e.: o protecting investments made in CO2 emission allowances (e.g. by detecting and punishing market abuses, i.e. insider trading, market manipulations, dissemination of false information) for the AMF and; o overseeing transactions made by market participants on the spot and derivatives markets for CO2 emission allowances to make sure that such transactions are in line with transactions made on the markets for electricity and natural gas for the CRE; - such mutual information is to notably take the form of regular bilateral meetings at various levels and mutual information may now cover data that the AMF had to keep confidential due to strict legal privilege restrictions applicable to its officers.
Updated: May 11, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 24, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The European Commission adopted the Decision setting up a Financial Services User Group on 20 July 2010 (2010/C 199/02) to ensure proportionate user representation and expertise at all stages of the development of its policy on financial services.
Fiche thématique (finance) : La Commission européenne établit un groupe des utilisateurs des services financiers afin de faire une plus grande place aux opinions des utilisateurs dans le processus décisionnel européen
La Commission européenne a adopté la décision établissant un groupe des utilisateurs des services financiers le 20 juillet 2010 (2010/C 199/02) afin d'assurer une représentation proportionnelle des usagers et de profiter de leur point de vue à chaque stade du développement de sa politique envers les services financiers.
Thematischer Bericht (Finanz): Die Europäische Kommission hat eine neue Gruppe für Nutzer von Finanzdienstleistungen (FSUG) eingesetzt, um die Vertretung der Nutzer im EU politischen Entscheidungsführungsprozess sicherzustellen.
Die Europäische Kommission hat in einer Beschluss vom 20. Juli 2010 (2010/C199/02) die Einsetzeung einer Nutzergruppe "Finanzdienstleistungen" angenommen. Diese Gruppe soll einer angemessenen Vertretung der Nutzer in allen Phasen der Ausarbeitung der Politik der Kommission im Bereich Finanzdienstleistungen gewährleisten.
Finanza: La Commissione europea ha approvato un Gruppo per gli utenti dei servizi finanziari per rafforzare la loro voce in capitolo nel processo decisionale dell’Unione europea.
Il 20 luglio 2010 la Commissione europea ha adottato la decisione (2010/C 199/02) che prevede un Gruppo per gli utenti dei servizi finanziari al fine di assicurare una rappresentazione degli stessi e considerazione della loro competenza in ogni stadio dello sviluppo della sua politica in materia di servizi finanziari.
主题性报告 (金融):欧盟委员会建立金融服务行业用户团体,强化金融服务使用者在欧盟决策程序中的意见地位
欧盟委员会于2010年7月20日通过了建立一个金融服务业用户团体的决定(2010/C 199/02),以便在金融服务行业相关政策制订的每一阶段确保使用者的代表比例以及维护其意见建议。
Updated: March 29, 2011 (Initial publication: March 25, 2011)
Sectorial Analysis
Informe temático (data personal): Decreto para restringir el rastreo electrónico actualmente pendiente ante el Congreso americano.
El Congreso americano está actualmente examinando un decreto que tiene como objetivo restringir el rastreo sobre la red – el “Do-Not-Track-Me-Online Act.” Esto debe introducir una obligación para cualquier empresa de rastreo electrónico de permitir que los ciudadanos se excluya de tal rastreo.
Informe temático (dados pessoais): Projeto para restringir o rastreio eletrônico atualmente pendente no Congresso dos Estados Unidos da América.
O Congresso dos Estados Unidos da América está atualmente examinando um projeto de lei que tem como objetivo restringir o rastreio sobre a rede virtual – o chamado “Do-Not-Track-Me-Online Act”. Isto deve obrigar toda empresa de rastreio eletrônico a permitir que os cidadãos escolham excluir-se de tal rastreio.
Relazione tematica (Dati personali): Una riforma per ridurre il rilevamento delle connessioni online è in discussione dinanzi al Parlamento americano.
Il Parlamento americano sta esaminando una proposta di riforma che punta a ridurre il rilevamento delle connessioni online – il Do Not Track Me Online Act (legge denominata “non seguirmi quando sono online”). Tale legge dovrebbe introdurre l’obbligo per ogni società che permette il rilevamento delle connessioni, di dare la possibilità ai cittadini di rifiutare tale tipo di controllo.
Updated: Feb. 8, 2011 (Initial publication: Dec. 15, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
Informe Temático (El Juego): La primera referencia a la Comisión de sanciones del ARJEL, la Autoridad francesa de la regulación del juego en la red.
El Colegio de la Autorité de régulation des jeux en ligne (ARJEL – la Autoridad francesa para la regulación del juego en la red), decidió traer ante el Comité de sanciones un asunto sobre tres operadores licenciados el 3 e diciembre del 2010.
Updated: Jan. 21, 2011 (Initial publication: Jan. 19, 2011)
Sectorial Analysis
Fiche thématique (Innovation) : L’organisation de la charge de la preuve dans les cas de propriété intellectuelle actuellement en instance devant la Cour Suprême américaine.
La Cour Suprême américaine a accepté le 29 novembre 2010 de recevoir la plainte de Microsoft en appel d’une décision de la Cour américaine d’appel du circuit fédéral de Washington du 12 Décembre 2009. Selon Microsoft, le standard de preuve pour une entreprise accuse de contrefaçon soutenant que le brevet violé n’est pas valide est trop élevée.
Thematischer Bericht (Innovation): Die Zuteilung des Beweislasts in Patentverletzungsfälle steht vor dem amerikanischen Obergericht.
Das Amerikanische Obergericht hat am 29. November 2010 Microsofts Klage in einer Anfechtung einer Entscheidung des amerikanischen Bundesberufungsgerichtes in Washington vom 12. Dezember 2009 angenommen. Microsoft behauptet, dass der Beweislast für Unternehmen, die wegen Patentverletzung angeklagt wurden, und die die Ungültigkeit des Patents beweisen wollen, zu schwer ist.
Informe Temático (Innovación): La organización de la carga de la prueba de casos de propiedad intelectual actualmente pendientes ante la Corte Suprema de los EEUU
La Corte Suprema de los EEU aceptó el 22 de noviembre del 2010 escuchar reclamos de Microsoft en una apelación de la decisión de la Corte americana de Apelaciones del Circuito Federal en la capital de Washington el 12 de diciembre del 2009, argumentando que la carga de prueba era demasiada alta para compañías acusadas de violación y cuyas defensa es que el patente es inválido.
Updated: Jan. 12, 2011 (Initial publication: Jan. 10, 2011)
Sectorial Analysis
On December 10, 2010, the Commission de Régulation de l’Energie (CRE – French Commission for Energy Regulation) and the Autorité des marches financiers (French Securities Regulator – the AMF) entered into a memorandum of understanding (the MoU). Cooperation between these two sector based regulators is, for the most part, set against the background of, and aims at, a better (or, rather, burgeoning) regulation of the market for CO2 emission allowances and is grounded in the following principles: - both regulators undertake to transmit information necessary to fulfilling each other’s respective expanded legal mandate, i.e.: o protecting investments made in CO2 emission allowances (e.g. by detecting and punishing market abuses, i.e. insider trading, market manipulations, dissemination of false information) for the AMF and; o overseeing transactions made by market participants on the spot and derivatives markets for CO2 emission allowances to make sure that such transactions are in line with transactions made on the markets for electricity and natural gas for the CRE; - such mutual information is to notably take the form of regular bilateral meetings at various levels and mutual information may now cover data that the AMF had to keep confidential due to strict legal privilege restrictions applicable to its officers.
Updated: Dec. 16, 2010 (Initial publication: Dec. 16, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
In an amicus curiae brief of October 29, 2010, in the Association for Molecular Pathology, et al. v. United States Patent and Trademark Office, et al. case, before the Court of Appeal for the Federal Circuit, the US Department of Justice reversed a longstanding policy by declaring human genes ineligible for patents, because they are part of nature. This new position could have an enormous impact on the medical and biotech industries.
Updated: Dec. 15, 2010 (Initial publication: Dec. 15, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
Informe Temático (Innovación, Salud): El Ministerio de Justicia americano se declara en contra de la patentabilidad del genoma humano aislado.
En un informe amicus curiae del 29 de octubre del 2010, en el caso de Association for Molecular Pathology, et at. v. United States Patent and Trademark Office, et al., ante la Corte de apelación del circuito federal, el Departamento de Justicia reversó una antigua política al declarar que el genoma humano aislado es inelegible para los patentes, ya que forman parte de la naturaleza. Esta nueva posición podría tener un impacto enrome en las industrias medicales y de biotecnología.
In una comparsa in quanto amicus curiae datata del 29 ottobre2010, nel caso Association for Molecular Pathology, e al. v. United States Patent and Trademark Office (l’Ufficio marchi e brevetti degli Stati Uniti), dinanzi alla Corte d’appello federale, il US Department of Justice (il Dipartimento di Giustizia degli Stati Uniti) ha dichiarato, contrariamente alla pratica consolidata, che i geni umani non possono essere brevettati in quanto parte della natura. Questa nuova posizione può avere un impatto considerevole sulle industrie mediche e biotech.
Updated: Nov. 4, 2010 (Initial publication: Oct. 12, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The September 8th 2010 decision of the European Court of Justice rules that any national law on gambling restraining freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services, if not consistent and systemic in its purpose, violates EU Law.
La Corte Europea de Justicia restringe a los Estados Miembros la habilidad de dificultar la libre provisión y establecimiento de servicios de juego en su territorio nacional.
El 8 de septiembre del 2010, una decisión de la Corte Europea de Justicio juzga que cualquier ley nacional sobre los juegos que restrinjan la libertad de establecimiento y la liberad de proveer servicios, a menos de que sea consistente y sistémica en su propósito, viola la Ley de la Unión Europea.
La Corte di giustizia, con una sentenza dell’8 settembre 2010, ha deciso che ogni legislazione nazionale in materia di scommesse che riduce il diritto di libero stabilimento e la libera prestazione di servizi viola il diritto europeo, qualora tale legislazione non contribuisca a limitare l’attività di scommesse in maniera coerente e sistematica.
Updated: Nov. 3, 2010 (Initial publication: Nov. 3, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The implementation of the Transfer Matching System (TMS) on October 1, 2010 was announced by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) as a first step to regulate international player transfers through an increased transparency of these human and financial flows.
Updated: Oct. 18, 2010 (Initial publication: Oct. 13, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The European Court of Justice handed down a judgement on September 9th 2010 in which it ruled that two criteria of the Austrian Glücksspielgesetz (the Federal Law on Games of Chance) violated articles 43 and 49 EC, that is to say the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services.
Updated: Oct. 1, 2010 (Initial publication: Sept. 23, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The European Commission proposes a package to enhance consumer protection and strengthen consumer confidence in financial services, comprising deposit guarantee schemes, investor compensation schemes, and insurance guarantee schemes. The proposals were sent to the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers for consideration.
Updated: Sept. 15, 2010 (Initial publication: Sept. 1, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The Issing Commission, also called the Advisory Group on the New Financial Order, appointed by Chancellor Angela Merkel and directed by Otmar Issing, published a White Paper for the Toronto G20 Summit on June 21, 2010, detailing the criteria for a workable approach towards bank levies and bank restructuring. The Commission recommends two new regulatory measures: the introduction of a Systemic Risk Charge (SRC), and the implementation of a transparent bank resolution regime.
Publication par la Commission Issing du livre blanc "Criteria for a workable approach towards bank levies and bank restructuring" le 21 Juin 2010.
Le Groupe d'Experts sur le Nouvel Ordre Financier, aussi appelé Commission Issing, mis en place par la Chancelière Angela Merkel et dirigée par Otmar Issing, a publié un livre blanc en préparation du sommet du G20 de Toronto le 21 Juin 2010. Ce document détaille les critères pour une approche fonctionnelle de la taxation et la refondation des banques. La Commission Issing recommande de prendr deux mesures régulatoires: la mise en place d'une Taxe sur le Risque Systémique et l'introduction d'un système transparent de résolution bancaire.
Die Issing-Kommission veröffentlicht das White Paper "Criteria for a workable approach towards bank levies and bank restructuring" am 21. Juni 2010.
Der Expertengruppe Neue Finanzmarktarchitektur, die Issing-Kommission, unter Leitung der früheren EZB-Chef Otmar Issing, und von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel angestellt, hat am 21. Juni 2010 ein White Paper veröffentlicht. Dieser Bericht, der im Rahmen der G20 Gipfel in Toronto vorbereitet wurde, befasst sich mit der Kriterien für eine durchführsbare Einstellung zu einer Bankenangabe und zur Restrukturierung der Banken. Die Issing-Kommission schlägt zuerst vor, eine Bankenabgabe einzuführen, die sich an der Risikostruktur von Bankenaktivitäten orientiert. Dazu noch setzt sich die Expertengruppe Neue Finanzmarktarchitektur für die Einführung neuer und transparenter Regeln zur Restrukturierung von Banken.
La publicación del Libro Blanco “Criteria for a workable appraoch towards bank levies and bank restructuring” (Critero para un acercamiento factible hacia gravámenes bancarios y restructuración bancaria) el 21 de junio del 2010.
El Grupo de Expertos sobre la Nueva Orden Financiera, también conocido como Commission Issing, establecido por la Cancillera Angela Markel y dirigido por Otmar Issing, publicó un Libro Blanco para la Cumbre del G20 en Toronto el 21 de junio del 2010 en donde detalla el criterio para un enfoque factible sobre gravámenes bancarios y restructuración bancaria. La Comisión recomienda dos medidas regulatorias: la introducción a un Systematic Risk Charge (SRC – un cargo sistemático de riesgo) y la implementación de un régimen de transparencia bancaria.
Updated: June 25, 2010 (Initial publication: June 3, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
Provisions of the financial reform bill (Dodd Bill) currently being examined by the United States Congress would empower the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to implement limits on speculation on energy futures and derivatives, as well as to impose a much stricter declaratory and supervision regime for over-the-counter trades in futures and derivatives in general.
Updated: June 21, 2010 (Initial publication: June 3, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
In a judgment taken on March 9th 2010, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice upheld the European Commission’s action against the Federal Republic of Germany, stating that by making the authorities responsible for monitoring the processing of personal data outside the public sector in the different Länder subject to State oversight, Germany incorrectly transposed the requirement of "complete independence" of the supervisory authorities responsible for ensuring data protection, and thereby failed to fulfil its obligations under the second subparagraph of Article 28(1) of Directive 95/46/EC of 24 October 1995 "on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data".
Un jugement rendu par la Grande Chambre de la Cour Européenne de Justice le 9 mars 2010 insiste sur l'indépendance nécessaire des autorités en charge de la protection des données personnelles dans les Länder allemands au regard de l'application de la directive européenne 95/46/CE du 24 Octobre 1995 relative à la protection des personnes physiques à l'égard du traitement des données à caractère personnel et à la libre circulation de ces données (Directive "Données Personnelles").
Dans un jugement rendu le 9 mars 2010, la Grande Chambre de la Cour Européenne de Justice a jugé que les autorités de protection des données des Länder allemands qui contrôlent les fichiers du secteur privé n’agissaient pas en pleine indépendance, contrairement aux exigences de la Directive européenne de 1995 sur la protection des données.
Am 9. März 2010 verkündete der Europäische Gerichtshof sein Urteil in der Sache EG / Deutschland (C-518/07) betreffend der Verpflichtung des Mitgliedsstaats sicherzustellen, daß die nationalen Aufsichtsbehörden, die zur Überwachung der Datenverarbeitung verantwortlich sind, ihre Funktionen vollkommen unabhängig auszuüben.
Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat am 9. März 2010 sein Urteil verkündet in der Sache EG/Deutschland, in dem er betont, dass das deutsche Datenschutzsaufsichtssytem die Verpflichtung der Unabhängigkeit von Aufsichtsbehörden, die in den Rechtlinien 95/46 vorgeschrieben ist, unvollständig umgestetzt hat.
En una sentencia dictada por la Gran Cámara de la Corte Europea de la Justicia el 9 de marzo del 2010 insiste en la independencia necesaria de las autoridades a cargo de la protección de la privacidad de data en German Länder, en cuanto a la aplicación de la Directiva 95/46/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 24 de octubre de 1995, relativa a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos
En una sentencia del 9 de marzo del 2010 la Gran Cámara de la Corte Europea de la Justicia confirmó que la acción que tomó la Comisión Europea contra la República Federal de Alemania, constatando que, al darle a las autoridades la responsabilidad de monitorear el procesamiento de data personal fuera del sector público en los diferentes Länder sujetos a la vigilancia estatal, Alemania transpuso incorrectamente el requisito de ‘independencia completa’ de las autoridades supervisoras responsables de asegurar la protección de data y por lo tanto, no cumplen con los requisitos detallados en el segundo subpárrafo del artículo 28(1) de la Directiva 95/46/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 24 de octubre de 1995, relativa a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos
Updated: June 11, 2010 (Initial publication: May 20, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht - (BaFin :德国金融市场监管机构)于2010年5月18日出台三项法令,规定在2010年5月9日至2011年3月31日期间内禁止“裸卖空”和信贷违约掉期行为。
Updated: June 8, 2010 (Initial publication: May 18, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
A series of decisions handed down by the European Court of Justice on March 9, 2010 reduces the burden of proof for environmental damages, in order to facilitate the application of the 'polluter pays' principle, and provides national regulatory authorities broad powers in enforcing environmental liability.
Updated: June 8, 2010 (Initial publication: May 19, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The national register of trusts has finally become a reality thanks to a decree published on March 2, 2010. It only use will be to inform various government administrations, in order to reinforce the tools available for fighting tax evasion, money laundering, and terrorism financing.
Updated: June 8, 2010 (Initial publication: Feb. 11, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The {Conseil Constitutionnel} (French Constitutional Council) approves the principle of a carbon tax scheme, but obliges the Government to review its scope.
Updated: June 3, 2010 (Initial publication: May 3, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) published a proposition to regulate speculation through futures and option contracts on the over-the-counter energy market on January 26, 2010. This proposition is being challenged by the CME Group (the principal American futures market operator), which claims that the CFTC does not have a legal mandate to regulate over-the-counter trading in energy, because such action would have to be authorised by a specific law.