Updated: May 11, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 24, 2010)

Sectorial Analysis

II.6-19: The European Commission has set up a Financial Services Users Group to strengthen users’ voice in the EU policymaking process

The European Commission adopted the Decision setting up a Financial Services User Group on 20 July 2010 (2010/C 199/02) to ensure proportionate user representation and expertise at all stages of the development of its policy on financial services.



Fiche thématique (finance) : La Commission européenne établit un groupe des utilisateurs des services financiers afin de faire une plus grande place aux opinions des utilisateurs dans le processus décisionnel européen

La Commission européenne a adopté la décision établissant un groupe des utilisateurs des services financiers le 20 juillet 2010 (2010/C 199/02) afin d'assurer une représentation proportionnelle des usagers et de profiter de leur point de vue à chaque stade du développement de sa politique envers les services financiers. 



Thematischer Bericht (Finanz): Die Europäische Kommission hat eine neue Gruppe für Nutzer von Finanzdienstleistungen (FSUG) eingesetzt, um die Vertretung der Nutzer im EU politischen Entscheidungsführungsprozess sicherzustellen.

Die Europäische Kommission hat in einer Beschluss vom 20. Juli 2010 (2010/C199/02) die Einsetzeung einer Nutzergruppe "Finanzdienstleistungen" angenommen. Diese Gruppe soll einer angemessenen Ver­tretung der Nutzer in allen Phasen der Ausarbeitung der Politik der Kommission im Bereich Finanzdienstleistungen gewährleisten.



Finanza: La Commissione europea ha approvato un Gruppo per gli utenti dei servizi finanziari per rafforzare la loro voce in capitolo nel processo decisionale dell’Unione europea.

Il 20 luglio 2010 la Commissione europea ha adottato la decisione (2010/C 199/02) che prevede un Gruppo per gli utenti dei servizi finanziari al fine di assicurare una rappresentazione degli stessi e considerazione della loro competenza in ogni stadio dello sviluppo della sua politica in materia di servizi finanziari.






主题性报告 (金融):欧盟委员会建立金融服务行业用户团体,强化金融服务使用者在欧盟决策程序中的意见地位

欧盟委员会于2010720日通过了建立一个金融服务业用户团体的决定(2010/C 199/02),以便在金融服务行业相关政策制订的每一阶段确保使用者的代表比例以及维护其意见建议。



Context and Summary

In line with the better regulation principles, the European Commission has adopted a Decision setting up a Financial Services User Group which will be made of consumer representatives and experts and charged with the mission to provide quality advice to the Commission and draw attention to problems of concern to consumers. The use of expert groups in providing advice to European policymakers in the field of financial services is evident since 2004, when the Commission established a forum of financial services users (FIN-USE) in order to secure expert input from the user perspective. Also, in 2006 the Commission has established the Financial Services Consumer Group (FSCG) as a sub- group of the existing European Consumer Consultative Group (ECCG) to bring together representatives of consumer organizations from each of the Member States in order to discuss financial services policies of particular relevance to consumers.

In order to further coordinate the efforts of financial services users and enhance the capacity of consumers and retail investors in the regulatory process, the Commission has decided to upgrade the status of the network of consumer representatives and experts and charge it with the mission to advise the Commission in the preparation of legislative acts and policy initiatives; provide opinion and advice in the practical implementation of such policies and proactively seek to identify key issues affecting users of financial services. In order to make it more operational and independent, the Commission will provide adequate financial support to the group. Once it becomes established, the group will be allowed to invite experts with specific knowledge to participate in the work of the group and of the subgroups. 

Brief commentary

Striving to satisfy the principles of a better regulation, the Commission attaches great importance to ensuring proportionate user representation at all stages of the development of its policy on financial services. In its Communication of 4 March 2009 ‘Driving European recovery’ (COM(2009) 114 final) the Commission stated that it will ensure that the voice of European investors is heard on all financial issues. Drawing upon its experience with the FIN-USE net, the Commission has realized that organized users of financial services, as stakeholders, may provide quality advice to the Commission and disseminate the views of financial services. This in turn improves the overall quality of the decision-making process.

In essence, this Decision illustrates the increasing role of the affected stakeholders in the policymaking and legislative process and the increasing role of collaboration between regulators and professionals. This ‘sciencification of politics’ could enable politicians to better understand the issues at stake. Modern regulation, which is becoming more technical in its nature, requires precise knowledge of non-legal issues and as well the alignment of the goals of the public and private sectors in the policymaking process.

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