Jan. 22, 2015

Sectorial Analysis

A simple question:  be regulator, is it a profession?

As soon as one asks the question, it should be down. Indeed, the time has passed when the regulator was a natural person. Today, in most cases, the regulator takes the form of a Regulatory Authority, that is to say an entity with or without legal personality, incorporated in the State or professional.

Individuals appear as a member of the Authority, even if it is true that the President of the Regulatory Authority often has a very importan role!footnote-17.

The choice of Commissioners is crucial to the independence and effectiveness of the regulatory authority. It is appropriate that the person has "authority" over the area, must be respected and participates effectively in the collective action of the College.

Let us try to recall the two sets of criteria to determine how one thinks the "good regulator" before taking such case the appointment of Mr. Yann Padova as a new member of the College of the Commission de Régulation de l'Énergie (French Energy Regulatory Commission).

Updated: Oct. 3, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 28, 2011)


Updated: Sept. 21, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 21, 2011)

Sectorial Analysis

Translated Summaries


On the 16 september 2011, the German Land of Schleswig-Holstein is the first in Germany to implement a law on online gambling, which appears to be one of the most modern and liberal in Europe.


Le 16 septembre 2011, le land allemand de Schleswig-Holstein est le premier en Allemagne à appliquer une loi sur les jeux en ligne, qui semble être l’une des plus modernes et des plus libérales en Europe.


Informe Temático (el Juego): El Land of Schleswig-Holstein alemán implementa una nueva ley sobre el juego en la red.

El 16 de septiembre del 2011, el Land of Schleswig-Holstein alemán es el primero en Alemania de implementar una ley sobre el juego en la red, lo cual aparenta ser una de los más modernos y liberales en Europa.




Other translations forthcoming.