Updated: June 11, 2010 (Initial publication: May 20, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht - (BaFin :德国金融市场监管机构)于2010年5月18日出台三项法令,规定在2010年5月9日至2011年3月31日期间内禁止“裸卖空”和信贷违约掉期行为。
Updated: June 3, 2010 (Initial publication: May 3, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) published a proposition to regulate speculation through futures and option contracts on the over-the-counter energy market on January 26, 2010. This proposition is being challenged by the CME Group (the principal American futures market operator), which claims that the CFTC does not have a legal mandate to regulate over-the-counter trading in energy, because such action would have to be authorised by a specific law.
Updated: May 7, 2010 (Initial publication: April 7, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
After the publication of the 21 January 2010 Ordinance implementing the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel (ACP - Prudential Control Authority), two decrees published on 3 March 2010 complete this legislation and define the institutional and budgetary workings of the new Authority.
Updated: May 6, 2010 (Initial publication: April 12, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
Two Ministerial Orders of 5 March 2010 and a Ministerial Order of 8 March 2010 nominate the members of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel (Prudential Control Authority), created by the Ordinance of 21 January 2010. Besides the Presidency, which will be exercised by Christian Noyer, governor of the Banque de France, the composition reveals the prevalence of banking regulators, which is a pragmatic consequence of the fact that insurers propose products equivalent in risk to those proposed by banks.
Updated: May 6, 2010 (Initial publication: April 7, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
Following the creation of the Authority of Accounting Standards (ANC – autorité des normes comptables) by the Ordinance of 22 January 2009, the Decree of 15 January 2010 defines its operational structure.
Updated: May 6, 2010 (Initial publication: April 7, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The Ministerial Order of 19 January 2010 introduces a new approach to risk management within banks and investment firms : a transversal approach to risk, that is expressed through the creation of ‘risk departments’ (filière risques) within banks.
Updated: May 6, 2010 (Initial publication: Feb. 25, 2010)
Sectorial Analysis
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision approved a package of new proposals to strengthen global capital and liquidity regulations for consultation, as part of its comprehensive response to the international financial crisis.
May 4, 2010
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Complete reference: Daugareilh, I (ed.), Responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise transnationale et globalisation de l'économie, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2010, 818 p.
Read the coverback (in French)
June 23, 2009
Thesaurus : 05.4. European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
Read the judgment. (in French)
Feb. 14, 2007
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Dec. 1, 2006
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Complete reference : Trébulle, F.-G., Stakeholders Theory et droit des sociétés, Bull. Joly Sociétés, 1st Dec. 2006, p.1337 . ; 1st Jan. 2007, p.1 et s.
June 16, 2004
Thesaurus : Doctrine
June 10, 2003
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Complete Reference : Trébulle, François-Guy, L'environnement en droit des affaires, in Mélanges en l'honneur de Yves Guyon, Aspects actuels du droit des affaires, Paris, Dalloz, p.1035-1059.
Oct. 26, 1999
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Référence complète : Jeantin, M., Le droit financier des biens, in Prospectives du droit économiques. Dialogues avec Michel Jeantin, Dalloz, 1999, p.3-16.
June 17, 1998
Jan. 8, 1998
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Complete reference : Aglietta, M. and Orléan, A., La monnaie souveraine, Ed. Odile Jacob, Paris, 1998, 386 pages.
Read the coverback.
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