June 10, 2020
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Full reference : Fasterling, B., "Criminal Compliance - Les risques d'un droit pénal du risque", Revue internationale de droit économique, 2016/2 (t.XXX), p. 217-237
Oct. 24, 2016
Breaking news
March 25, 2015
Breaking news
Read the Seminar program (14h - 19h30).
Its issue is the concept of "conflict of interest" by confronting the financial techniques of risk assessment and legal responses developed about it on the rating agencies, especially in 2009.
Speakers are Thomas Aam, Thierry Bonneau, Björn Fasterking, Markus Krall, Frédéric Lobez and Jean-Claude Werrebrouck.
Inscriptions : dherbaut@univ-lille2.fr
Information : marjorie.eeckhoudt@univ-lille1.fr
Jan. 10, 2015
Sectorial Analysis