Mise à jour : 19 juin 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 12 juin 2012 )

Sur le vif

On 7 June 2012, in Copenhague, at the Institute of International Finance (IIF) analysed the impact of the new regulatory regime on banks, credit and systemic risk and the new challenges facing Europe. He took act that Zero growth is expected, european unemployemt is at 10%, many firms have difficulties to finance new projects and spending for innovation is down. I said that European leaders need to do more, even if they have already done much. They are obtaining a new fiscal compact, which requires very strict rules on government deficits and agreed on a close coordination of our national economic policies, notably though the "European semester" including a collective right to review the annual budget of each Member State before it is finalised. But to restore the citizens’ trust, Regulation must be developped.

Mise à jour : 18 juin 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 9 juin 2012 )

Sur le vif

In Luxembourg, a regulator is especially in charge of "cybersecurity". The Cyber Security Board, created by the Act of February 27, 2011, on networks and electronic communications services has been implemented in July 2011. It is chaired by the Ministry of communication and media. On June 4, 2012, this regulator met on 4 June 2012. Based on the law that requires access providers to prevent and manage risks to ensure cyber security, the regulator decided to create a single window to centralize information on the cyber security incidents, information transmitted by the citizens, the regulator then transferring this information to companies for them to take adequate measures to fight the risk against security.

Mise à jour : 13 décembre 2011 (Rédaction initiale : 4 novembre 2011 )


Mise à jour : 6 décembre 2011 (Rédaction initiale : 22 novembre 2011 )

Parutions : I. Articles Isolés

Translated Summaries

In The Journal of Regulation the summaries’ translation are done by the Editors and not by the authors


At first sight, the notion of the neutrality of the State seems to be obvious and simple, almost a pleonasm. Being above isolated individuals, the State is responsible for the general interest, even envisioned on a long-term basis. However when one gets deeper into the analysis, this first observation, evident at first sight, must be mitigated and qualified.


A première vue, la notion de la neutralité de l’Etat semble être évidente et simple, presque un pléonasme. Etant au-dessus d’ individus isolés, l’État est responsable de l’intérêt général, même envisagé sur le long terme. Toutefois, A aller plus loin dans l’analyse, cette première observation, évidente à première vue, doivent être atténués et expliquée.


A primera vista, la noción de la neutralidad estatal parece ser obvio y simple, casi un pleonasmo. Estando por encima de los individuos aislados, el Estado es responsable por el interés general, aun cuando considerado a largo plazo. Pero cuando uno se sumerge en el análisis, esta primera observación, evidente a primera vista, puede ser mitigado y calificado.


A prima vista, la nozione di neutralità dello Stato sembra un concetto ovvio e semplice, quasi un pleonasmo. Lo Stato, al di sopra degli individui singolarmente considerati, è responsabile dell’interesse generale, persino a lungo termine. Tuttavia, quando si analizza in modo più approfondito tale concetto, questa prima osservazione, evidente a prima vista, deve essere relativizzata e specificata.


Other translations forthcoming.