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Mise à jour : 25 septembre 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 12 juin 2011 )

Analyses Sectorielles


On May 12, 2011, both Neelie Kroes, the European Commissioner for the digital agenda within the European Commission, and Larry Strickling, Assistant Commissioner for Communications and Information within the United States Department of Commerce, sent a notification to the ICANN, a private association that manages Internet domain names. First of all, they agreed with the principle of self-regulation of Internet domain names by the ICANN. But, they requested a reform of its “governance” to improve its transparency and better take into account public authorities’ recommendations.

Association - Conflict resolution - Domain name - European commission - Internet - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) - Memorandum - Power - Private regulator - Regulatory Authority - Self regulation - Soft law - Transparency - United Nations (UN) *

* In The Journal of Regulation, these keywords are done by the Editor and not by the Author.



Informe bibliográfico (Internet): Autoridades europeias e norte-americanas notificaram a ICANN, uma associação privada encarregada da auto-regulação de nomes de domínio na Internet, que ela deve adotar uma governança mais transparente e também adotar as recomendações de estruturas públicas.

Em 12 de maio de 2011, tanto Neelie Kroes, o Comissário Europeu para a agenda digital dentro da Comissão Europeia, quanto Larry Strickling, Comissário Assistente para Comunicações e Informação dentro do Departamento de Comércio dos Estados Unidos da América, enviaram uma notificação para a ICANN, uma associação privada que gerencia nomes de domínio na internet. Em primeiro lugar, eles concordaram com o princípio da auto-regulação dos nomes de domínio na Internet pela ICANN. No entanto, eles solicitaram uma reforma em sua governança para melhorar sua transparência e melhor levar em consideração as recomendações de autoridades públicas.

Associação – Resolução de conflitos – Nome de domínio – Comissão Europeia – Internet - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) – Memorandum – Poder – Regulação privada – Autoridade de regulação – Auto-regulação – Soft law – Transparência – Nações Unidas (ONU)*

* No Journal of Regulation, as palavras-chave são fornecidas pelo Diretor, e não pelo Autor.


Relazione bibliografica (Internet): Le autorità europee e nord americane hanno indicato che l’ICANN, una società privata che ha lo scopo di auto-regolare i nomi a dominio di internet, dovrà aumentare la trasparenza della gestione ed adottare le raccomandazioni delle strutture pubbliche

Il 12 maggio 2011, Neelie Kroes, Commissario europeo per l’agenda digitale della Commissione europea, e Larry Strickling, Commissario assistente per le comunicazioni e l’informazione del Dipartimento del Commercio degli Stati Uniti, hanno entrambi dichiarato che l’ICANN, una società privata che gestisce i nomi a dominio di Internet, deve riformare il proprio sistema di gestione migliorando la sua trasparenza e deve prendere in debita considerazione le raccomandazioni provenienti dalle autorità pubbliche.

Associazione - Autorità di regolazione - Autorità privata di regolazione - Auto-regolazione - Commissione Europea - Internet - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) - Memorandum - Nazioni Unite (ONU) - Nomi di dominio - Potere - Risoluzione di controversie - Soft law - Transparenza *

* In The Journal of Regulation, le parole chiave sono responsabilità dell’Editore e non dall’Autore.


 Other translations fortcoming.

Mise à jour : 25 septembre 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 9 septembre 2010 )

Analyses Sectorielles

The British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) announced on September 1st, 2010 a revision to the Committee of Advertising Practice Code (the CAP Code), in order to handle consumer complaints and sanction non-compliant advertising on British websites. These new rules will be effective from March 1st 2011.

Le British Advertising Standards Authorithy (ASA — organisme britannique d'autorégulation de la publicité) a annoncé le 1er septembre 2010 une révision au Committee of Advertising Practice Code (The CAP Code — le Code des bonnes pratiques dans la publicité), afin de pouvoir répondre aux plaintes des consommateurs relatives aux publicités non-conformes sur les sites Internet britanniques, et de les sanctionner. Ces nouvelles règles entreront en vigueur le 1er mars 2011.


Die British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA - die britische Selbstregulierungsbehörde für die Werbebranche) hat am 1. September 2010 verkündigt, dass der Committee of Advertising Practice Code (the CAP Code - die Richtlinien für Qualitätsregeln in der Werbewirtschaft) so verändert wird, dass er für das Empfängnis und die Behandlung von Verbrauchersklagen gegen Internet-Werbungen zuständig wird. Diese Regel wird erst am 1. März 2011 im Kraft treten.




El British Advertising Standards Authority (la Autoridad británica de la autorregulación publicitaria) extiendo el CAP Code (el código des buenas prácticas publicitarias) para cubrir las publicidades que se encuentran en sitios de web británicos

El British Advertising Standards Authority (la Autoridad británica de la autorregulación publicitaria) anunció el 1 de septiembre 2010 una revisión al Committee of Advertising Practice Code (the CAP Code – el código des buenas prácticas publicitarias), para poder responder a las quejas y sanciones sobre las prácticas publicatarias no-conformes sobre los sitios de web británicos. Estas nuevas reglas entrarán en vigor el primero de marzo del 2011.

Mise à jour : 25 septembre 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 19 mai 2010 )

Analyses Sectorielles

Main information

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announces on May 6, 2010 that it will reclassify broadband Internet service as a Telecommunications Service, in order to overcome the ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on April 6, 2010, which found that the FCC’s approach to network neutrality lacked sufficient legal basis.

Mise à jour : 25 septembre 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 17 mai 2010 )

Analyses Sectorielles

Main information

A contract between Free (a French Internet Service Provider) and one of its subscribers contained a clause stipulating that access to audiovisual services was conditional upon the eligibility of the user’s telephone line for such services. The Court of Cassation deems that except in cases of force majeure, such a clause does not exempt the service provider from his strict liability to provide such services

Mise à jour : 25 septembre 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 6 mai 2010 )

Analyses Sectorielles

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On April 27, 2010, the European Parliament’s Committee for Health voted to introduce an amendment to the European Commission’s ‘Pharmacovigilance and Prescription Medicine Package’, which would introduce a strict regime for online prescription medicine sellers.

Mise à jour : 25 septembre 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 13 avril 2010 )

Analyses Sectorielles

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The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit strikes down a decision that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the American telecommunications regulation agency, had taken against an Internet service provider, on the grounds that the FCC is incompetent to impose the theory of network neutrality on Internet service providers.

Mise à jour : 25 septembre 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 11 février 2010 )

Analyses Sectorielles

Main information

Definitive ratification of the 'three-strikes' riposte system concerning illegal downloading as part of the Hadopi II Act

Mise à jour : 25 septembre 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 11 février 2010 )

Analyses Sectorielles

Main information

Nomination of the members of the Haute autorité pour la diffusion d’oeuvres et la protection de droits sur Internet (Hadopi – High Authority for the Dissemination of Works and the Protection of Rights on the Internet).