Mise à jour : 16 septembre 2011 (Rédaction initiale : 16 décembre 2010 )



Michel Riguidel is Professor Emeritus at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, which has been renamed Telecom ParisTech, where he teaches digital security and new-generation networks. (...)

Pièces jointes

Michel Riguidel is Professor Emeritus at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, which has been renamed Telecom ParisTech, where he teaches digital security and new-generation networks. He directs research on the Internet security of the future, networks and systems in a mobile world, the protection of critical infrastructures, on security policies in a heterogeneous world, and on quantic networks.

He has been granted a number of patents for protecting CDs and DVDs, and on illegal downloading. He invented the term "digital tattoo". He is an expert at the Agence nationale de la recherche, at OSEO, and with the European Commission. He is also a member of the Scientific Council of the INHESJ, and of the Telecoommunications Evaluation Council at the Direction générale de l'armement (DGA).

In 2004, he directed a book entitled La sécurité à l'ère numérique (Hermès Lavoisier), and published Le Téléphone de demain (Le Pommier). In 2006, he wrote the chapter on network and systems security for the Vuibert encyclopedia on information systems. In 2010, he was asked to draw up the functional specifications for the Hadopi's security proceedures.

To read this biobibliography in french, please click here.



He participated in the conference on "Neutralité dans les systèmes de régulation économique" (Neutrality in Systems of Economic regulation), The Journal of Regulation’s Annual Conference, Grand Amphitheater of the Conseil Supérieur du Notariat, Paris, March 17, 2011. (more)

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