Mise à jour : 29 mai 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 18 mai 2012 )

Sur le vif

In the United Kingdom, the Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, by noting the wrongdoing of the scandal of the Breast implants PIP and the clumsy way in which this type of scandal, alarming the population, had been resolved by health authorities, has commissioned a study in January 2012 to analyse this crisis and learn from it behavior lessons for similar crises. On May 14, 2012, the report was published. This report advised the regulator, when it is faced with this type of crisis, to expand its sources of medical information before making provisions, that it didn't do sufficiently. The regulator must also communicate as much as possible with the victims on the one hand (first circle) and the public (second circle) to give information, reassure and encourage good medical behavior.