The Morocco is overhaul its system of financial regulation. The Dahir related the Regulatory and Public Offering Authority was approved by the Council of the Government on April, 11 2012. The Conseil déontologique des valeurs mobilières (CDVM) - Council for the Code of Ethics in Securities is now called l’Autorité Marocaine du marché des Capitaux (AMMC) (the Moroccan Authority of capital markets). The Bill justifies the change of name and the use of the word "authority" by the wish expressed to ensure the independence of the Regulatory Authority and the reference to its monitoring power. This is takes the form of new powers for the Regulatory Authority which allows it to require information and sanction infringements. The Regulatory Authority establishes the standard form that any corporation interest in conducting a public offering must complete to receive the approval from the Regulatory Authority. The use of inside information is prohibited. The Bill organises the regular dissemination of information on the initiative of companies which conducted a public offering.