Thesaurus : Doctrine
Complete reference: COURET, Alain and al, Droit financier (Financial law,), Précis Dalloz, 2nd ed, Dalloz, Paris, 2012, 1270 p.
This book is written in French.
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Sept. 13, 2018
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Complete reference: Merville, Anne-Dominique, Droit financier, 4ième éd., Gualino - Lextenso édition, 2018, 368 p.
Dec. 4, 2014
Breaking news
When one likes the "Financial law," one is delighted to open the second edition of the Droit financier (Financial Law), Frenche book written by Anne-Dominique Merville and publishes at Gualino - Lextenso édition (392 p.).
Indeed, the reader learns the most recent technical rules. If it is difficult to know "Financial law" this is because it doesn't really constitute a "branch of the law." It seems an accumulation of laws, rules, decisions and soft law adopted to serve the financial market.
Significantly way, in the book construction, there is no place especially for the "financial Regulation" while itsTitle II is about " Les régulateurs des marchés financiers" (The financial market regulators). This suggests that the financial regulatory system is primarily due to the regulatory body. This is maybe true.
Reading developments, it is observed that the European Central Bank is listed among "The financial market regulators".
For my part, for several years I do think that a central bank is a regulator. But as it is currently a supervisor and that there is a fundamental distinction between regulation and supervision. It's why it is necessary to demonstrate the transition from one to the other or intimacy between them, to affirm so easily that a central bank, monetary authority, is a financial regulator.
Yet the author assume acquired, showing that the qualification is already in the mind. The development will come after. It will impose yet because this change of qualification has important consequences. It involves jurisdictionalization of Central Banks that we still do not know and have not conceived.