The recent news

Updated: April 29, 2010 (Initial publication: Feb. 11, 2010)

Sectorial Analysis

Main information

A decision of the Social Chamber of the French Cour de Cassation (Court of Cassation) handed down on December 8th, 2009, (n° 08-17.191) reduced the scope of the unique authorisation granted to companies concerning their internal whistle blowing proceedures.

Updated: April 29, 2010 (Initial publication: Dec. 24, 2009)

Sectorial Analysis

Main information

Two judgments of the General Court of the ECJ challenge the greenhouse gas emissions allowances trading system within the European market.

Updated: April 27, 2010 (Initial publication: April 26, 2010)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

The book "Concurrence, santé publique, innovation et médicament" (Competition, public health, innovation, and medicine), published by French publisher L.G.D.J., provides an analysis of the pharmaceutical sector’s oscillation between competition and regulation. The first part of the study is consecrated to "Médicament dans la regulation des dépenses de santé" (The role of medicine in the regulation of healthcare costs), which exposes health-related questions in their most government-controlled aspect. The second part conceives health through its social function, with "Innovation et incitation à la recherche" (Innovation and incentive to perform research), while the last part explains "Les difficultés des prises en compte par le droit de la concurrence des spécificités du secteur pharmaceutique" (Competition Law’s difficult apprehension of the pharmaceutical sector’s specificities). The three parts of this study offer an exhaustive presentation of the stakes involved in healthcare law, economy, and policy, and clearly shows that the hybrid nature of this sector makes it more a matter for regulation rather than for competition law.

Updated: April 24, 2010 (Initial publication: April 14, 2010)

Bibliographic Reports : Symposiums

Madame Christine Lagarde, the French Finance Minister, gives a speech at the inauguration of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel (ACP – Prudential Control Authority), implemented by the Ordinance of 21 January 2010, in which she explains the philosophy behind the ACP’s activities. Stability and solidity of the international financial system and consumer protection are the ACP’s main responsabilities.

Updated: April 24, 2010 (Initial publication: April 14, 2010)


Updated: April 16, 2010 (Initial publication: April 12, 2010)


Updated: April 13, 2010 (Initial publication: April 10, 2010)


Updated: April 12, 2010 (Initial publication: April 3, 2010)
