Cycle JoRC of colloquia 2021 : Compliance Juridictionnalization
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This scientific event is placed under the scientific responsibility of Marie-Anne Frison-Roche and Jean-Baptiste Racine. It is organized by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and by the Centre de recherche sur la Justice et le Règlement des Conflits (CRJ) of the Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) University, with the active support of the International Chamber of Commerce ICC.
This event is the third colloquium of the 2021 colloquia cycle around the general theme of Compliance Jurisdictionalisation.
►The interventions will be then transformed into a chapter in the books: contributions in the 📕 La Juridictionnalisation de la Compliance , to be published the Regulation & Compliance series ries, jointly published by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoR)C and Dalloz
📘Compliance Jurisdictionalisation, to be published in the Compliance & Regulation Series , co published by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant.
This colloquium took place the 31st of March 2021.
The manifestation was live broadcasted on Zoom.
Presentation of the theme:
The arbitrator is the ordinary judge of international trade. It was natural that he or she encountered Compliance: by definition Compliance Law takes hold of the whole world and follows the paths of international trade while it can only be deployed with the help of institutions which, by nature are spreading around the world and need authorities like the Courts.
The conference is based on the already perceptible connection points between Compliance and Arbitration to better identify what is emerging for tomorrow: contradiction or convergence between the two; weakening or consolidation. We are already seeing the impact that Compliance can have on the arbitrator's treatment of corruption or the consideration of money laundering. More generally, where do we stand with the arbitrator's knowledge of the many technical issues related to compliance? Beyond these, will the courts and arbitrators be able to achieve the goals, themselves new, sometimes monumental, pursued by Compliance Law?
Through this joint exploration of these avenues, the fate of compliance clauses inserted in contracts, the relevance in the matter of private codes of conduct, etc. will be examined.
Tomorrow, as of today, is the arbitrator a full and complete judge of Compliance Law?
How, with what specificities and what controls?
Notably will speak:
Read a detailed presentation of the colloquium below:
31st of March 2021, from 2pm to 7.15pm.
Live Broadcasting on ZOOM
under the scientific direction of Marie-Anne Frison-Roche and Jean-Baptiste Racine
2 pm. Welcome words by Cécile Chainais, director of the Centre de Recherche sur la Justice et le Règlement des Conflits (CRJ) and Professor at Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) University
2.10 pm. Introduction , by Jean-Baptiste Racine, Professor at Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) University
I. Tools of the relationship between Compliance and Arbitration
3 pm. Quelle place pour la compliance dans l’arbitrage d’investissement ?, by Eduardo Silva Romero, Partner at Dechert LLP, Paris.
3.20-3.30 pm: discussion
II. The goals of Compliance faced by Arbitration
Introduction of the topic , Presidency and animation of the round-table, by Alexis Mourre, President of the Arbitration International Court
5.30 pm : Discussion and break
III. The control of the relationship between Compliance and Arbitration
6.10 pm. Arbitrage et procédures parallèles exercées au titre de la compliance, by François-Xavier Train, Professor at Paris-Nanterre University.
6.30 pm. La compliance au stade du contrôle des sentences arbitrales, by Claire Debourg, Professor at Paris-Nanterre University.
6.50 pm. Conclusion, by Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, Professor at Sciences-Po Paris and Director of the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC).
7.15 pm. End of works.
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