The recent news

Updated: Sept. 25, 2012 (Initial publication: Sept. 25, 2012)

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Les Nouvelles régulations électriques

Updated: Sept. 25, 2012 (Initial publication: March 22, 2010)

Sectorial Analysis

Main information

Ordinance n° 2010-76 of 21 January 2010 establishes a new independent administrative authority designated as the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel (Prudential Control Authority), resulting from the merger of the approval and monitoring authorities of the banking and insurance sectors.

Updated: Sept. 25, 2012 (Initial publication: Feb. 12, 2010)

Sectorial Analysis

Main information

The European Directive of September 16th 2009 introduces a clear definition of electronic money and establishes a new prudential supervisory regime of the business of electronic money institutions.

Updated: Sept. 25, 2012 (Initial publication: Feb. 11, 2010)

Sectorial Analysis

Main information

The ‘Autorité des Marchés Financiers’ (French Financial Markets Authority) published a guidebook on the information to be provided in listed securities’ registration documents.

Updated: Sept. 25, 2012 (Initial publication: Feb. 11, 2010)

Sectorial Analysis

Main information

The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF – French Financial Markets Authority) approves the "Provisions" section of the Code of Good Practice published by the Association française de la gestion financière (AFG—French Asset Management Association).

Updated: Sept. 25, 2012 (Initial publication: Feb. 11, 2010)

Sectorial Analysis

Main information

A French Bill on banking and Financial Regulation was registered with the Presidency of the “Assemblée Nationale” (the lower house of the French Parliament, the National Assembly) on December 16th 2009, and plans for the creation of a council on financial regulation and systemic risk.

Updated: Sept. 25, 2012 (Initial publication: Feb. 11, 2010)

Sectorial Analysis

Main information

The European Commission approves a Swedish export-credit insurance scheme until December 31st, 2010, in accordance with the Temporary Framework for State Aid Measures in the current financial and economic crisis

Updated: Sept. 25, 2012 (Initial publication: July 15, 2012)

Sectorial Analysis


In Belgium, the Flemish Region had adopted the Decree of 23 December 2010 to exemp  those providing electricity with a renewable source to pay the rate of injection into the electricity transmission network. The Region stated that it was not an act tariff, thus falling under its jurisdiction. The decree, attacked by the energy regulator before the Belgium Constitutional Court, was canceled by the latter in a ruling dated July 12, 2012, because it is an act of pricing, under the only federal competence.



En Belgique, la Région flamande avait adopté le décret du 23 décembre 2010 pour exempter les producteurs d'électricité ayant pour source une énergie renouvelable du payement dû au titre de l'injection de l'électricité dans le réseau de distribution. La Région posait qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un acte de tarification, et que cela relevait donc de sa compétence régionnale. Ce décret, attaché par le Régulateur de l'Energie devant la Cour Constitutionnelle de Belgique, a été annulé par celle-ci dans une décision en date du 12 juillet 2012, parce qu'il s'agit bien d'un acte touchant à la tarification, pour laquelle seul des organes fédéraux sont compétents.