
BASALDUA, Nathalie (de)

Nathalie de Basaldúa has been head of the Audit Unit in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market and Services since the beginning of 2010. (...)

BECK, Nicolas

Nicolas Beck holds a Masters degree in "Law of the Economy and of Regulation" from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg as well as a Master in "Banking and Financial Law" from the Faculté de Droit de Strasbourg. (...)

BENZONI, Laurent

Laurent Benzoni is a Doctor of Economics. He has been a Professor of Economics at the Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2) since 1996. At Paris 2, he is a member of the Equipe de Recherche sur les Marché, l'Emploi et la Simulation (ERMES). (...)