Updated: Dec. 7, 2011 (Initial publication: April 28, 2011)


BASALDUA, Nathalie (de)

Nathalie de Basaldúa has been head of the Audit Unit in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market and Services since the beginning of 2010. (...)

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Nathalie de Basaldúa has been head of the Audit Unit in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market and Services since the beginning of 2010. She has been a European public servant since 1986, and has worked in areas such as corporate law and corporate governance, public procurement, and securities markets. Before heading the Audit Policy Unit, she served Policy Assistant to the Director General of the European Market between 2007 and 2010.

Nathalie studied law at the University of Deusto (Bilbao) and has a Master’s Degree from the German University of Administrative Sciences, in Speyer.

To read this biobibliography in French, please click here.




She participated in the conference on "Vers quelle régulation de l'audit faut-il aller ?" (How should the audit be regulated?), organized by The Journal of Regulation, l'Ecole de droit de la Sorbonne and KPMG, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, May 20, 2011. ([more->http://www.thejournalofregulation.com/spip.php?article544])

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