Mise à jour : 10 juin 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 10 juin 2012 )

Thesaurus : Doctrine

LUTTER, Randall

How Well Do Federal Regulations Actually Work? The Role of Retrospective Review

How Well Do Federal Regulations Actually Work? The Role of Retrospective Review


Complete reference : Randall LUTTER, How Well Do Federal Regulations Actually Work? The Role of Retrospective Review, Mercatus Center, Working Paper - April 2012, 26 p.


To read this working paper, follow the link : http://mercatus.org/sites/default/files/Lutter_Retrospective_v1-2.pdf


The central idea of this working paper is, in U.S., the volume of federal regulations exceedes some 165,000 pages. 

It has become very important to organize a reliable practice of review  to judge how well or poorly existing regulations actually work.

Il would facilitate to revise regulations accordingly.

Yet despite decades of executive orders aimed at improving retrospective analysis and review, agencies consistently fail to produce useful measures of regulations’ performance.

This is why regulatory rules and systems are so confused.

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