The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board was constituted on November 15, 1983 by the President of India by exercising the powers conferred by the Atomic Energy Act to carry out certain regulatory and safety functions under the Act.
The AERB is derived from the rules and notifications promulgated under the Atomic Energy Act and the [Environment (Protection) Act, 1986->http://www.aerb.gov.in/T/actsrules/rules/epa.pdf].
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The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board was constitued on November 14, 1983 bu the President of India by exercising the powers conferred by the Atomic Energy Act to carry out certain regulatory and functions under the Act.
More precisely, its functions are :
Develop safety
policies in both radiation and industrial safety areas.
Develop Safety
Codes, Guides and Standards for siting, design, construction, commissioning,
and decommissioning of different types of nuclear and radiation
Grant consents for
siting, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning, after an
appropriate safety review and assessment, for establishment of nuclear and
radiation facilities.
Ensure compliance
of the regulatory requirements prescribed by AERB during all stages of
through a system of review and assessment, regulatory inspection
and enforcement
.Prescribe the
acceptance limits of radiation exposure to occupational workers and members of
the public
and approve acceptable limits of environmental releases of
radioactive substances.
Review of the
emergency preparedness plans for nuclear and radiation
Safety reviews for
transport of large radioactive sources, irradiated fuel and fissile
Review of the
training program, qualifications and licensing policies for personnel of nuclear
and radiation
facilities and prescribe the syllabi for training of personnel
in safety aspects at all levels.
Take such steps as
necessary to keep the public informed on major issues of radiological safety
Promote research
and development efforts in the areas of safety.
Maintain liaison
with statutory bodies in the country as well as abroad regarding safety
Currently, the Board consists of a full-time Chairman, an ex-officio Member, three part-time Members and a Secretary. |
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AERB is supported in its functions by a number of committees. Members of all the AERB committees are recognized experts with long experience in the relevant fields and come from DAE units, various Governmental organizations, academic institutes and industry. A large number of retired experts are also members of the various AERB Committees.
Apex Safety Review Committees
The apex safety review committees of AERB are the Safety Review Committee for Operating Plants (SARCOP) and the Safety Review Committee for Applications of Radiation (SARCAR). SARCOP was constituted in June, 1988 to evaluate and enforce nuclear, radiological and industrial safety in all operating units including public sector undertakings of the Department of Atomic Energy, for ensuring safety of the operating personnel, members of the public and the environment. SARCOP is supported by a number of specialist committees such as the Standing Committee on Reactor Physics, Committee on Steam and Water Chemistry, Committee on Control & Instrumentation and Computer Systems and Expert Group on Coolant Channel Safety for detailed review of issues pertaining to specific technical fields. In addition, there is a unit safety committee for each operating unit (or a group of units) for detailed operational safety review of individual units and advising SARCOP. In 1987, AERB constituted a Committee known as Licensing and Appellate Committee. This committee was restructured in 1991 with a new name as Safety Review Committee for Applications of Radiation (SARCAR) with a view to streamlining the implementation of Radiation Protection Rules in all practices and organizations using radioisotopes and radiation sources in medical, industrial and research institutes.
Apex Advisory Committees
AERB has constituted a number of Advisory Committees that deal with nuclear safety, radiological safety, industrial and fire safety, and occupational health. In addition, there are Advisory Committees for Safety review of various Projects (ACPSR) and Advisory Committees for assisting AERB in its safety documents development work. The Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety (ACNS) was constituted in January, 1985. to advise AERB on generic issues affecting the safety of nuclear installations including siting, design, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning The Committee also reviews and makes final recommendations on the draft AERB safety Codes, Guides and Manuals before they are put up to Chairman, AERB for approval. Similarly, the Advisory Committee on Radiological Safety (ACRS), Advisory Committee on Industrial and Fire Safety (ACIFS) and the Advisory Committee on Occupational Health (ACOH) advises AERB in the respective fields. ACPSRs of various projects recommend to AERB issuance of authorization at different stages during siting, construction and commissioning of nuclear facilities including NPPs, after reviewing the submissions made by the plant authorities and based on the recommendations of the associated Project Design Safety Committees. AERB has constituted an Advisory Committee for preparation of Code & Guides on Governmental Organization for the Regulation of Nuclear & Radiation facilities (ACCGORN). There are also the Advisory Committees for Codes, Guides & Associated Manuals for Safety in Operation of NPPs (ACCGASO) and Safety in Design (ACCGD) as also the Advisory Committee for Safety Documents for Fuel Cycle Facilities (ACSDFCF).
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AERB secretariat has nine divisions. The heads and directors of divisions constitute the Executive Committee which meets periodically with Chairman, AERB and Vice-Chairman, AERB to take decisions on important policy matters related to the management of the Secretariat of the Board.
In addition Safety Research Institute was set up at Kalplakkam to carry out and promote safety related researcg in areas of relevance to regulatory functions.
AERB has a mechanism to check its effectiveness and quality assurance in its activities and a process by which it improves its systems through its own experience feedback and international regulatory practices.
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