Mise à jour : 15 septembre 2011 (Rédaction initiale : 6 décembre 2010 )



Joëlle Toledano is a Doctor of Mathematics and a Doctor of Economics. She has been a member of the board of the ARCEP since her nomination in 2005. In 2011, she was appointed to be President of the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP). (...)

Pièces jointes

Joëlle Toledano is a Doctor of Mathematics and a Doctor of Economics. 

She began her career as a research assistant at the CNRS, and then became an assistant professor at the Université de Rouen. Then, she worked in various management positions in computer technology and telecommunications companies (deputy general director of Alcatal TITN from 1987 to 1989, and general director of CCMC Human Resources). She became part of La Poste's strategic department in 1993. In 2001, she became the director of European and National Regulation within the same group. She then focused on higher education, with a position as Professor at the Ecole supérieure d'électricité (SUPELEC).

Joëlle Toledano has been a member of the board of the ARCEP since her nomination in 2005. In 2011, she was appointed to be President of the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP). 

She has published a number of books and many academic articles in the fields of macroeconomics, industrial economics, and postal regulation, and teaches within the Master of Industrie de Réseaux et Economie Numérique.

To read this biobibliography in french, please [click here.->http://www.thejournalofregulation.com/IMG/pdf/Toledano_J-.pdf]


He participated in the conference on "Neutralité dans les systèmes de régulation économique" (Neutrality in Systems of Economic regulation), The Journal of Regulation’s Annual Conference, Grand Amphitheater of the Conseil Supérieur du Notariat, Paris, March 17, 2011. (more)

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