The "Société de Législation comparée" (Society of Comparative Legislation) publishes the acts of a symposium. The notion of "service of general economic interest" was developed by the European Commission and the European Court of Justice, before the Treaty, including the Lisbon Treaty and its Protocol 26, give it its place. Thus, member States, as demonstrated by the collective work, must take into consideration, this European doctrine, that balances competition and public service, and no longer develop national concept of utilities ignorant of legal developments in Law of the European Union.
Complete reference : DEWOST, Jean-Louis (ed.), Les services d’intérêt économique généraux et le marché intérieur : régimes nationaux et cadre juridique européen, coll. "Colloques", vol. n°16, Société de Législation comparée éd., Paris, 172 p.
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