Mise à jour : 9 mai 2012 (Rédaction initiale : 13 avril 2012 )

Sur le vif

Release work: Droit et régulations des activités économiques : perspectives sociologiques et institutionnalistes (English translation: Law and regulations of the economic activities: sociological and institutionalist prospects)


Bessy, Christian, Delpeuch, Thierry, Pélisse, Jérôme (dir.), Droit et régulations des activités économiques : perspectives sociologiques et institutionnalistes (English translation: Law and regulations of the economic activities: sociological and institutionalist prospects). Maison des sciences de l'homme- Réseau européen Droit et Société, coll. "Droit et Sociétés - Recherches et Travaux", t. 24, LGDJ, 2011, 320 p.


© thejournalofregulation

The financial and economic worldwide crisis of the end of 2000 rested with acuity the question of the regulation of the economic activities. An idea strongly took form according to which only political voluntarism, through the legal reforms framing the markets and the economic behaviours, would put an end to it.

However, the reflexions on the role of law compared to the economic activities generally assume a relation of exteriority between right and economy, which this book will offer to interview.

The contributions which it joins together aim at lighting the mechanisms by which the law contributes to control the economic activities but also, conversely, to understand the way in which the economic activities and the organizations which carry them, configure as much the law which they are configure by him.

Being based on sociological work and institutional approaches in economy, mainly American and French, whom it seeks to make dialogue, this book develops and illustrates a dynamic model reflecting for the process of endogeneisation of the law in the economic activities.

In such processes of training, “the intermediaries of the law” play a key part as far as they ensure continuity between formal legality and different other normative registers, and build the supports, components and legal equipment of the economic action. Finding an approach by the instruments of the public action developed as well by the economy of conventions, as in Foucauldian studies developed by politist and the sociologist of law, this book thus analyses instrumented, instrumental and possibly instrumentalized dimensions of the legal regulations of the economic action.

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