On April 7, 2011, the Belgian Council of State handed down a ruling (n° 212.557) in which it overruled a decision by the Commission de Regulation de l’Electricité et du Gaz (CREG – Belgian Regulatory Commission for Electricity and Gas) to fine the City of Wavre for non-compliance with its annual reporting obligations.
Thematischer Bericht (Energie): Der belgische Bundesrat kippt ein von der belgischen Regulierungsbehörde für Elektrizität und Gas beschlossenes Bußgeld
Am 7. April 2011 beschließt der Belgische Bundesrat per Gerichtsentscheid (n° 212.557) die Entscheidung der Kommission für Regulierung von Elektrizität und Gas (CREG – Belgian Regulatory Commission for Electricity and Gas) umzustoßen, welche der Stadt Wavre ein Bußgeld für nicht-Einhaltung der jährlichen Berichtspflicht auferlegte.
Informe temático (Energia): O Conselho de Estado belga anulou multas impostas pela Comissão regulatória belga para eletricidade e gás.
Em 7 de abril de 2011, o Conselho de Estado belga publicou julgamento (nº 212.557) no qual ele anulou uma decisão da Commission de Regulation de l’Electricité et du Gaz (CREG – Comissão regulatória belga para eletricidade e gás) em que a cidade de Wavre foi multada pelo descumprimento de suas obrigações de divulgação de informes anuais.
Relazione tematica: Il Consiglio di Stato belga abroga la multa fatta dalla Commissione di regolazione per il gas e l’elettricità
Il 7 aprile 2011, il Consiglio di Stato belga ha reso una decisione (n° 212.557) nella quale dichiara illegittima una decisione della Commissione di regolazione del gas e delle’elettricità (CREG - Commission de régulation de l’électricité et du gaz) che aveva previsto una multa alla città di Wavre per inadempienza agli obblighi di rendiconto annuale.
Other translations forthcoming.
The Belgian Council of State’s decision is certainly an affront to the CREG’s powers, which are doubtlessly reduced by this ruling.
Indeed, one can imagine that the oversight of a system in which each city manages its own electricity and gas networks is extremely complicated. The rules established for such cities exist to ensure that they keep proper accounts, do not overcharge their citizens for electricity and gas, and that the network is managed safely and efficiently.
The CREG’s task of reviewing all of these parameters for a number of different local governments is a difficult one. That is most likely why Belgian legislation has provided the CREG with broad powers to fine local authorities that do not comply with the legal obligations for local electricity and gas distributors.
This particular legal battle is characteristic of the more general struggle that takes place in every country of the world over the balance to be struck between broad, effective enforcement powers for regulatory agencies, and procedural rules, the traditional balance of powers, and accountability.
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