Alain Couret is a Doctor of Law and a professeur agrégé des Universités. He is a professor at the Sorbonne Law School, where he teaches corporate law and financial markets law. (...)
Alain Couret is a Doctor of Law and a professeur agrégé des Universités. He is a professor at the Sorbonne Law School, where he teaches corporate law and financial markets law.
He directs the Research Center for Financial Law (Sorbonne Finance) at Université Paris 1. He is a member of the Laboratoire d’excellence Régulation Financière (LABEX ReFin). He is the author of many articles and books, his last publication was Les 100 mots du droit des affaires, published by Presses Universitaires de France (PUF) in 2001. He is the founder and co-author of the Lamy ‘Droit du Financement’ and the Précis Dalloz ‘Droit Financier’. He is the co-author of the Mémento Francis Lefebvre Sociétés commerciales.
He is also a partner at CMS-BFL, a practicioner of arbitration, and in charge of Knowledge Management. He participates in the work done by the ANSA’s Comité Juridique and is a member of a consultative commission led by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (French financial markets authority).
To read this bibibliography in french, please click here.
He participated in the conference on "Vers quelle régulation de l'audit faut-il aller ?" (How should the audit be regulated?), organized by The Journal of Regulation, l'Ecole de droit de la Sorbonne and KPMG, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, May 20, 2011. (more)
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