6 décembre 2011

Thesaurus : 03. Conseil d'État (France)

Conseil d'Etat

Le 19 octobre 2011, French Data Network, Apple Inc., ITunes Sarl

2011, 19 oct., French Data Network, Apple Inc., ITunes Sarl.

To read those decisions, click here.


Decision n°339.154.

See, for example, Revue Lamy de l’Immatériel, nov. 2011, pp.31-32, obs. COSTES, Lionel.

The decision is about the powers of the HADOPI, the French regulator of Internet for the protection of Intellectual property. The "Conseil d’Etat" (French Council of State confirms the decree which organizes the power to sanction the operators who don’t accept a mediation with the author, in order to obtain the operability of systems.


See the more detailed description : CHEVALIER, Claude, The Journal of Regulation, 2011, II-4.9

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