
March 7, 2015

Bibliographic Reports : Books

It is often argued that energy because it is a matter of sovereignty and because it is rooted in the territory, returns to the State. But it is resolutely towards Europe that Michel Derdevet pulls the whole system.

Probably by conviction, by will of a strong Europe and because there has economic power only when propped on energy. However, an energy system that is up by networks as in energy, we never doubted the convergence between the container and the content, meaning that the energy source is irrelevant whitout being carried, whitout being 'provided to users.

This construction of the networks is political and it is in terms of "mesh" that the report Michel Derdevet just submitted to the President of the Republic, François Hollande, presents a European project. In a way, it is not "revolutionary", as it is to finally fulfill the will of those who conceived Europe in 1945 through the coal, steel and energy, to a common Europe from which built the industry, not only for the reconstruction of Europe but for its economic dynamism and its common security policy.

In this, the European network of the transportation of electricity is essential. Yet it is to be done because the legislation of the European Union rather liberalized energy markets whitout building Europe of energy, leaving remaining national specificities. The result is what Michel Derdevet rightly called "inertia".

He therefore proposes the establishment of an "European industrial project." In this context, Michel Derdevet requires better definition of "model of norms and regulation", aiming in particular the structure of tariffs that include or not the R & D according to the Member States, claiming the alignment of the tasks of network operators and a price guarantee for users, which would facilitate investment. He stressed that national regulatory differences hinder the development of smart grids (and therefore the European market). Without a convergence of regulations, interoperability is not optimal, as it would allow Europe to be a major global player in energy.

Michel Derdevet therefore advocates regulation that goes to both a stronger European articulation, but at the same time which must be more "decentralized", for users to make better use of new uses of energy through the action of regulators they are close.

It is true that we are very far off ...

This is why the author asks what one favors "regulatory convergence". This is not only to harmonize rules but also to redirect them to detach the competitive prism to direct them to the long-term financing.

It is true that Europe's energy, without which a single industrial space can hardly be, can not actually do if the regulation does not resolutely takes over the principle of competition, competition remaining in the moment of exchange, while the Regulation is in the long term and what to take to designate as "industrial policy" which is nothing but a form of expression of the Political.

So what Michel Derdevet request, what ever that finally the arrival of a political Europe, the need for it finds its place in the global competition.

Feb. 16, 2015

Bibliographic Reports : Books

Published by Oxford University Press (OUF), the collective book, Public Accountability, edited by Mark Bovens, Robert Goodin and Thomas Schillemann, consists of 43 contributions.

Few strictly focus on issues of regulatory matters. One can still quote the article by Colin Scott on Independent Regulators or those of Christie Hayne, Steven E. Salterio and Paul L. Posner and Shahan Asif on auditing (Accounting and Auditing; Audit Institutions).

The subject of most of the contributions is rather the necessary renewal of the management of the State, public governance incorporating this new way of "accountability," which explains the book title : itself: Public Accountability. But as we know that the line between public and private is more porous than ever, we can appreciate that the bookk extends its thoughts to the governance of private organizations or non-profit private sector by some contributions.

Indeed, the fact that Accountability is what is common to the Regulation and Governance. This is the first sentence of the book : "Accountability is the buzzword of modern governance".

Probably because of accountability has become a central concept, as shown in the introductory contribution, these are the articles that confront the most general elements such as "time" (Accountability and Time), "crisis" (Accountability for Crise) or "trust" (Accountability and trust), which are the most instructive for the future.

Thus, despite its collective character, the book is very consistent and often takes a critical tone about this invasion of public space by the will of accoutability, the authors emphasizing the "deficits", the failures and especially thet prohibitively expensive of this mechanism.

It would come to regret the simple mechanism of hierarchical rule to which a nostalgic contribution is devoted, which describes how operated the State before we apply to it the State the agency theory.

So it is a practical book, complete, critical and prospective, of great interest.

Updated: April 3, 2012 (Initial publication: April 2, 2012)

Bibliographic Reports : Books


The translated summaries are done by the Editors and not by the Authors.


“Global Financial Integration, Thirty Years on. From reform to crisis” combines many academic contributions on international financial governance, that each offer original and in-depth analysis of the financial crisis’ causes. To safeguard the authors’ legal and economic reasoning, the bibliographical report has been divided in three parts and will be brought to The Journal of Regulation’s readers in three successive issues . The following report analyses the third part of the volume.

Other translations forthcoming.

Updated: Feb. 22, 2012 (Initial publication: Feb. 16, 2012)

Bibliographic Reports : Books


The translated summaries are done by the Editors and not by the Authors.


“Global Financial Integration, Thirty Years on. From reform to crisis” combines many academic contributions on international financial governance, that each offer original and in-depth analysis of the financial crisis’ causes. To safeguard the authors’ legal and economic reasoning, the bibliographical report has been divided in three parts and will be brought to The Journal of Regulation’s readers in three successive issues . The following report analyses the third part of the volume.

Other translations forthcoming.

Updated: Jan. 17, 2012 (Initial publication: Jan. 13, 2012)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

Translated summaries


The translated summaries are done by the Editors and not by the Authors


The purpose of this collective work is to understand the causes of the financial crisis. It has a strong international dimension and draws in both legal and economic science. Although composed of independent contributions from each other, it relies on a general demonstration, summary of which will largely be the focus of this first bibliographic report, the importance of justifying the work that results in three successive bibliographic reports. Furthermore, the book focuses on the specific issue of governance in international finance, which runs through regulatory issues, but one cannot be reduced to the other and vice versa.

Therefore in all three bibliographic records, abstracts will be more or less developed on the contributions, depending on whether they directly concerned by regulation, in which case they will be preferred or more remote areas, in which case they will shortly exposed.

The first bibliographic record aims to present, on the one hand, the general problem of the book, and also to highlight two contributions of historical (1920-1930/2001-2007).


Fiche Bibliographique (Livre) : La globalisation de l’intégration financière. Perspective de trente ans, de la réforme à la crise)

Cet ouvrage collectif a pour objet de comprendre les causes de la crise financière. Il présente une dimension fortement internationale et puise à la fois dans la science juridique et économique. Bien que constitué de contributions autonomes les unes des autres, il s’appuie sur une démonstration générale, dont le résumé sera en grande partie l’objet de cette première fiche bibliographique, l’importance de l’ouvrage justifiant qu’il donne lieu à a trois fiches bibliographiques successives. En outre, l’ouvrage porte sur la question précise de la gouvernance dans la finance internationale, ce qui traverse les questions de régulation mais l’un ne se réduit à l’autre et vice et versa.

C’est pourquoi dans chacune des trois fiches bibliographiques, des résumés seront plus au moins développés concernant des contributions, suivant que celles-ci abordent directement des thèmes de régulation, auquel cas elles seront privilégiées, ou des thèmes plus éloignés, auquel cas elles ne seront qu’évoquées.

Cette première fiche bibliographique a pour objet de présenter d’une part la problématique générale de l’ouvrage et d’autre part de mettre en valeur deux contributions, de nature historique (1920-1930/2001-2007).


Informe Bibliográfico (Libro): La Integración Global Financiera, perspectivas desde 30 años. De la reforma hasta la crisis.

El objetivo de este trabajo colectivo es de entender las causas de la crisis financiera. Contiene una gran dimensión internacional y se apoya tanto en las ciencias legales como en las económicas. Aunque es una colección de contribuciones independientes el uno del otro, todos tienen en común una dimensión general, lo cual será detallado en el primer informe bibliográfico, la importancia de justificar el trabajo que resulta en tres informes bibliográficos sucesivos. El libro se centra en el tema específico de la gobernabilidad en la finanza internacional, la cual se relaciona a la regulación, pero uno no se reduce al otro y viceversa.

Por lo tanto, en cada uno de los tres informes bibliográficos, abstractos serán desarrollados para cada contribución, dependiendo de su relatividad a la regulación, en dado caso se les dará preferencia sobre casos mas lejanos, los cuales serán brevemente mencionados.

El primer informe bibliográfico se propone a presentar, de un lado, el problema general del libro, y del otro, de subrayar dos contribuciones históricas (1920-1930/2001-2007).


Lo scopo di questo lavoro collettivo è capire le cause della crisi finanziaria. Tale lavoro ha una forte dimensione internazionale e si posiziona in un contesto legale ed economico. Sebbene composto da contributori indipendenti l’un dall’altro, si fonda su una problematica generale, il cui riassunto sarà l’oggetto principale di questa prima relazione bibliografica. L’importanza di tale studio è tale da giustificare i tre articoli che seguiranno su tale lavoro. Inoltre, questo lavoro di ricerca si focalizza sul tema specifico della governance in materia di finanza internazionale, e tocca diversi temi relativi alla regolazione che non possono essere ridotti o confusi l’un con l’altro. Pertanto, per tutti e tre questi articoli bibliografici, gli abstract saranno più o meno approfonditi su tali contribuzioni, a seconda del fatto che tale contribuzione sia rilevante ai fini dell’analisi della regolazione, nel qual caso l’abstract sarà più consistente, o se la contribuzione tocchi solo incidentalmente la regolazione, nel qual caso gli abstract saranno più corti.
La prima relazione bibliografica punta, da un lato, a presentare la problematica generale di tale lavoro e, dall’altro, ad attirare l’attenzione su due contribuzioni, di natura storica.


Other translations forthcoming.

Updated: Dec. 8, 2011 (Initial publication: Oct. 3, 2011)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

Translated Summaries

In The Journal of Regulation the summaries’ translation are done by the Editors and not by the authors


Bibliographic Report (Book): Libéralisation et services publics : économie postale [Liberalization and Public Services­: Postal Economics] by François Boldron, Claire Borsenberger, Denis Joram, Sébastien Lecou, and Bernard Roy.

The authors of Liberalization and Public Services: Postal Economics set out to provide a complete and comprehensive economic study of the challenges and possibilities engendered by the liberalization of the French Postal Service. Using experiences from other countries and industries, as well as taking into account the specificities of France’s postal service, the authors have used economic studies to provide an exhaustive account of what the contours of the postal service of the future may be.


Relazione bibliografica (Libri) : Libéralisation et services publics : économie postale [Liberalizzazione e Servizi pubblici: economia postale] di François Boldron, Claire Borsenberger, Denis Joram, Sébastien Lecou, and Bernard Roy.

Gli autori di “Libéralisation et services publics : économie postale” (Liberalizzazione e Servizi pubblici: economia postale) cercano di predisporre uno studio economico completo e comprensivo delle sfide e delle possibilità generate dalla liberalizzazione del servizio postale francese. Utilizzando le esperienze di altri paesi e di altre industrie, e prendendo in considerazione le specificità del servizio postale francese, gli autori hanno usato studi economici per definire il possibile futuro del sevizio postale.


Other translations forthcoming.

Updated: Dec. 6, 2011 (Initial publication: Oct. 12, 2011)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

Translated Summaries

In The Journal of Regulation the summaries’ translation are done by the Editors and not by the authors


Bibliographic Report (Book): The regulation of industrial networks, what evolutions and perspectives in France and in Europe? by Fondation Nationale Entreprise et Performance

Full citation: Fondation nationale Entreprise et Performance, La régulation des réseaux industriels. Quelles évolutions et perspectives en France et en Europe?, Preface Hagelsteen, Marie-Dominique, 105 p., La documentation Française, 2011.

Report by Marie-Anne Frison-RocheManaging Editor and Director

This report ambits to improve the regulation of industrial networks in France and in Europe. Therefore, the Fondation nationale Entreprise et Performance (FNEP) concentrates its study on industrial networks, a category in which it includes telecommunications, energy, rail transportation, and postal services, in France and in Europe. The report proposes new rules or adaptations to old ones in order to increase regulators’ independence, efficacy, and oversight. It then suggests rules be modified to allow for the implementation of regulation at the European level, whenever the relevant market is European in scale.



Compte-rendu bibliographique (Livre): La régulation des réseaux industriels. Quelles évolutions et perspectives en France et en Europe ?  par Fondation Nationale Entreprise et Performance.

Compte-rendu faite par Marie-Anne Frison-Roche

Ce rapport ambitieux vise à améliorer la régulation des réseaux industriels en France et en Europe. Par conséquent, la Fondation nationale Entreprise et Performance (FNEP) concentre son étude sur les réseaux industriels, une catégorie dans laquelle le rapport inclut les télécommunications, l’énergie, le transport ferroviaire, et les services postaux, en France et en Europe. Le rapport propose de nouvelles règles ou des adaptations de précédentes, afin d’accroître l’indépendance des régulateurs , d’augmenter l’efficacité et la surveillance. Il propose ensuite que des règles soient modifiées pour permettre la mise en œuvre de la régulation au niveau européen, chaque fois que le marché pertinent est de dimension européenne.


Relazione bibliografica (Libri): III-1.9: La regolazione delle reti industriali. Quali sono le evoluzioni e le prospettive in Francia e in Europa? A cura della Fondation Nationale Entreprise et Performance

Questa relazione punta a migliorare la regolazione delle reti industriali in Francia e in Europa. Tuttavia la “Fondation Nationale Entreprise et Performance” (FNEP) focalizza la sua attenzione sulle reti industriali, una categoria che include le telecomunicazioni, l’energia, il trasporto ferroviario ed i servizi postali, in Francia ed in Europa. La relazione propone delle nuove regole o una modifica delle regole esistenti per aumentare l’indipendenza, l’efficacia e la vigilanza delle autorità di regolazione. Inoltre, propone di modificare alcune norme per permettere l’applicazione della regolazione al livello europeo, ogni volta che il mercato rilevante è quello europeo.


Other translations forthcoming.

Updated: July 19, 2011 (Initial publication: July 1, 2011)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

In Les 100 mots de la régulation (“Regulation in 100 Words”), Marie-Anne Frison-Roche clearly and pedagogically identifies and defines the vocabulary of regulation by making sure, from the introduction, to firmly distinguish between regulation and rule making. Regulation is the maintenance of various balances between principles, rules, and economic and social realities. Rule making is the translation of a collective will emanating from lawmakers or judges, be they national, European, or international.

Updated: June 20, 2011 (Initial publication: May 6, 2011)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

Updated: Feb. 11, 2011 (Initial publication: Feb. 2, 2011)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

The ambition of this thesis is to identify the notion of regulation, but strictly limits itself to French administrative law. To do this, the author skilfully identifies the 'act of regulation', created by Independent Administrative Authorities to effectively carry out their regulatory tasks. This is both a functional definition, using the notion of 'mission', and a methodological one, with its permanent reference to Independent Administrative Authorities.

Updated: July 21, 2010 (Initial publication: April 26, 2010)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

Le livre Concurrence, santé publique, innovation et médicament publié aux éditions L.G.D.J propose une analyse du secteur, dans son oscillation entre la concurrence et la régulation. L’ouvrage est construit sur trois parties. La première  est consacrée au Médicament dans la régulation des dépenses de santé,  posant ainsi les questions sanitaires dans leurs aspects les plus régaliens, la deuxième envisage la santé dans sa fonction sociale à travers  ’Innovation et incitation à la recherche, tandis que  la dernière expose Les difficultés des prises en compte par le droit de la concurrence des spécificités du secteur pharmaceutique. Au travers de ces trois parties, c’est une présentation exhaustive des enjeux du droit, de l’économie et de la politique de la santé qui est proposée, posant nettement que cette mixité la fait relever de la régulation davantage que de la concurrence.

Click here to read the article.



Buchrezension : "Concurrence, santé publique, innovation et médicament" (Wettbewerb, öffentliche Gesundheit, Innovation und Medikamente)


Das Buch  "Concurrence, santé publique, innovation et médicament"(Wettbewerb, öffentliche Gesundheit, Innovation und Medikamente), herausgeben von L.G.D.J.,  ein französischer Verlag, analysiert wie der pharmazeutische Sektor zwischen Wettbewerb und Regulierung schwankt. Das Buch bezieht sich auf drei Teilen. Der erste Teil  handelt um die Rolle, die das Medikament im Gesundheitsausgaben spielt. Dadurch können die Gesundheitsfragen in rechtlichem Hinsicht erforscht werden. Im zweiten Teil wird die soziale Funktion der Gesundheitsbranche untersucht, nämlich durch Innovation und Forschungsanreize. Im letzten Teil werden die Schwäche des Wettbewerbsrechts im Bezug zur Berücksichtigung der Besonderheit der pharmazeutischen Branche analysiert. Dadurch können die rechtlichen-, wirtschaftlichen- sowie politischen Einsätze dieses Sektors ausführlich dargestellt werden. Was daraus herauskommt ist, dass die komplexe Vielfalt der Branche sie vielmehr in die Zuständigkeit der Regulatierung als der Wettbewerb fallen lässt.






“Concurrence, santé pubilque, innovation et médicament” (La competencia, la salud pública, la innovación y la medicina), bajo la dirección científica de Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, colección de “Droit et Economie,” L.G.D.J extenso éditions, Paris, enero 2010, 525 páginas.

El libro “Concurrence, santé pubilque, innovation et médicament” (La competencia, la salud pública, la innovación y la medicina), publicado por la editorial francesa L.G.D.J, provee un análisis de las oscilaciones entre la competencia y la regulación del sector farmacéutico. La primera parte del estudio se dedica a “Médicament dans la regulation des dépenses de santé” (El papel de la medicina en la regulación de gastos en salud), lo cual expone cuestiones relacionados a la salud en el aspecto de control gubernamental. La segunda parte concibe la salud a través de su función social, con “Innovation et incitation à la recherche” (La innovación y la incitación para la realización de la investigación). La última parte expilca “Les difficultés des prises en compte par le droit de la concurrence des spécificités du secteur pharmaceutique” (La difícil aprensión del derecho de la competencia de la especificidades del sector farmacéutico). Las tres partes de este estudio ofrecen una detallada presentación sobre los complicaciones involucradas en el derecho de la salud, la economía, la política y también sirve para demostrar que la naturaleza híbrida de este sector lo rinde una cuestión de regulación más que una del derecho de la competencia.


Updated: July 21, 2010 (Initial publication: April 8, 2010)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

This collective work describes the contours of French, European, and International healthcare regulation, and explores past, present, and future evolutions and tendencies in this sector. Original French title: Annales de la régulation, 2009, volume 2, sous la direction de Thierry Revet et Laurent Vidal, collection Bibliothèque de l'Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne (IRJS) – André Tunc. (LGDJ)

Updated: July 21, 2010 (Initial publication: Feb. 16, 2010)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

Comparison of various models of risk regulation in order to understand how those systems shape the relationship between law and science and how they attempt to overcome the public’s distrust of science-based decision making in the EU.

Updated: July 21, 2010 (Initial publication: Feb. 16, 2010)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

Research on the EU regime of risk regulation for pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs based on an institutionalist approach to supranational risk regulation.

Updated: April 29, 2010 (Initial publication: Feb. 16, 2010)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

Research on the EU regime of risk regulation for pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs based on an institutionalist approach to supranational risk regulation.

Updated: April 29, 2010 (Initial publication: Feb. 16, 2010)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

Comparison of various models of risk regulation in order to understand how those systems shape the relationship between law and science and how they attempt to overcome the public’s distrust of science-based decision making in the EU.

Updated: April 27, 2010 (Initial publication: April 26, 2010)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

The book "Concurrence, santé publique, innovation et médicament" (Competition, public health, innovation, and medicine), published by French publisher L.G.D.J., provides an analysis of the pharmaceutical sector’s oscillation between competition and regulation. The first part of the study is consecrated to "Médicament dans la regulation des dépenses de santé" (The role of medicine in the regulation of healthcare costs), which exposes health-related questions in their most government-controlled aspect. The second part conceives health through its social function, with "Innovation et incitation à la recherche" (Innovation and incentive to perform research), while the last part explains "Les difficultés des prises en compte par le droit de la concurrence des spécificités du secteur pharmaceutique" (Competition Law’s difficult apprehension of the pharmaceutical sector’s specificities). The three parts of this study offer an exhaustive presentation of the stakes involved in healthcare law, economy, and policy, and clearly shows that the hybrid nature of this sector makes it more a matter for regulation rather than for competition law.

Updated: April 12, 2010 (Initial publication: April 8, 2010)

Bibliographic Reports : Books

This collective work describes the contours of French, European, and International healthcare regulation, and explores past, present, and future evolutions and tendencies in this sector. Original French title: Annales de la régulation, 2009, volume 2, sous la direction de Thierry Revet et Laurent Vidal, collection Bibliothèque de l'Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne (IRJS) – André Tunc. (LGDJ)