Updated: July 9, 2012 (Initial publication: July 1, 2012)

Breaking news

On June 19, 2012, the European Parliament adopted an extensively modified version of the draft text prepared by the European Commission on credit rating agencies. It does not address the issue of the concentration of the rating market, believing that this is a matter of competition and not of regulation. It reduces the scope of the rotation rule in three years and only for structured products. It requires agencies to issue a schedule of two or three dates in the year where they can change their sovereign debt notes. Next to these devices of ex ante regulation, Parliament adopts an ex post system, civil liability of agencies, in which it will be for them to demonstrate to investors that they have complied with the rules in force.

Updated: July 9, 2012 (Initial publication: July 3, 2012)

Breaking news

After an assessment critical rating agencies, on their role in the crisis, on the concentrated nature of the market of the notation, the report published on 18 June 2012 by the French Senate proposes a series of action to "detoxify" the system. It indicates with the same voluntarism that there is no fatality, it proposes that central banks resumed their role more firmly, that the States publish a call for tenders to encourage the emergence of a new European private actor to which the methodology will be imposed, we diversified the notes, we disciplined " ex-post" agencies by the game of responsibility, that we loosened the power of the agencies on the democratic entities, including States, that can prevent conflicts of interest.