Updated: Dec. 19, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 8, 2011)

Sectorial Analysis

Translated Summaries


In 2010, the Autorité française de régulation des jeux en ligne (ARJEL — French Online gambling regulatory authority) decided that operators should have required all players to open an account even before they had been approved by the ARJEL to provide online gambling services, that all players should have been required to accept the general conditions of sale before their first bet, and that operators should have saved this information in a real-time archival format.

Account - Appeal - Appeal right - Data - Food - General power - Incoherence - Independence - Information - Legal mandate - Licence - Money laundering - Procedure - Real-time storage -Registration - Regulator - Sanction commission - Surveillance *

* In The Journal of Regulation, these keywords are done by the Editor and not by the Author.


En 2010, l’autorité française de régulation des jeux en ligne (ARJEL) estime qu’un opérateur aurait du exigé de tous les joueurs qu’ils ouvrent un compte avant son propre agrément par le régulateur, et que les joueurs acceptent les conditions générales de vente avant leur première mise, ces informations devant être insérées par l’opérateur sur le support d’archivage en temps réel. Ainsi, l’antériorité est acquise, cette certitude évitant toute manipulant et l’opérateur pouvant ainsi surveiller, comme le prévoit la loi, les joueurs, notamment au titre de la lutte contre la fraude et le blanchiment d’argent.



* In The Journal of Regulation, these keywords are done by the Editor and not by the Author.


Informe temático (el Juego): La Comisión Disciplinaria del ARJEL decidió que no era competente para sancionar a un operador aunque el Presidente del ARJEL las haya pedido. El Presidente del ARJEL ha apelado la decisión

En 2010, la Autorité française de régulation des jeux en ligne (ARJEL – el Regulador francés del juego en la red) decidió que todos los operadores deben requerir que todos los jugadores abran una cuenta aun antes de que hayan sido aprobados por ARJEL para proveer servicios de juego en la red, que todos los jugadores deben haber aceptado las condiciones generales antes de su primera apuesta, y que los operadores debieran haber guardado esta información en formatos actualizados.



Other translations forthcoming.

Updated: Dec. 9, 2011 (Initial publication: Oct. 12, 2011)


Updated: Dec. 8, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 27, 2011)

Releases : Neutrality in Systems of Economic Regulation

Translated Summaries


Article: Neutralization in economically regulated industries using procedural law techniques

In itself, regulation does not necessary require judicial review of regulators’ acts, whether the regulator is a ministry or an independent authority. In short, regulators could have the “last word” in all circumstances. However, because of an equal concern for democratic legitimacy and care to respect its international commitments, the French Parliament is convinced that judicial review over regulators’ actions is necessary.



Article : La neutralisation dans les secteurs économiques régulés par les techniques procédurales

En soi, la régulation n’appelle pas nécessairement un contrôle juridictionnel du régulateur, qu’il soit une administration ou une autorité indépendante. Ce régulateur, sommes toutes, pourrait avoir en toutes circonstances « le dernier mot ». Pourtant, moitié par conviction démocratique, moitié par prudence en raison de ses engagements internationaux, le législateur français s’est convaincu qu’un tel contrôle était indispensable.



Artículo: Neutralización en industrias económicamente reguladas usando técnicas del derecho procesal.

En sí mismo, la regulación no requiere de revisión judicial de las acciones del regulador, ya sea que el regulador es un ministerio o una autoridad independiente. Para resumir, los reguladores podrían tener la “última palabra” en todas las circunstancias. No obstante, una preocupación por la legitimidad democrática y deseo de respetar sus compromisos internacionales, el Parlamente francés está convencido que una revisión judicial sobre las acciones de los reguladores es necesaria.




Other translations forthcoming.

Updated: Dec. 8, 2011 (Initial publication: June 28, 2011)

Sectorial Analysis


In February 2011, the "Autorité de régulation des jeux en ligne" (ARJEL – French Online Gambling Regulatory Authority) has asked Pokerstars to shut down its Home Games, which the online gambling site has agreed to do. After that,the regulator has written to all operators to remind them that any modification of their platforms must be submitted to it for prior approval. This appoval has been given on may, 12, 2011. The Home Game is reserved to players, which account member has been validated by Pokerstar.



Relazione tematica (Scommesse): L’autorità francese di regolazione dei giochi on line (ARJEL) ha omologato il The Home Games’ Pokerstars, dopo aver annullato

Durante il mese di febbraio 2011, la "Autorité de régulation des jeux en ligne" (ARJEL – l’Autorità francese di regolazione delle scommesse online) ha richiesto alla società Pokerstars di interrompere il suo Home Games e la società si è conformata a tale richiesta. Successivamente, l’Autorità di regolazione ha scritto a tutti gli operatori ricordando che ogni modificazione della loro piattaforma dovrà essere sottoposta alla sua autorizzazione. Il 12 maggio 2011, è stata concessa questa autorizzazione. The Home Game è dunque riservato a degli utenti, il cui account è stato controllato e confermato da Pokerstars.

Other Translations forthcoming.

Updated: Oct. 3, 2011 (Initial publication: Sept. 30, 2011)


Updated: Sept. 14, 2011 (Initial publication: June 28, 2011)
