Updated: May 6, 2010 (Initial publication: Dec. 23, 2009)


How to structure a Thematic or Bibliographical Report?

In order to write a Report, you should:

  1. Provide a title summarizing the name of the document or the event being commented;
  2. Write a brief summary of the event or document and the legal or philosophical issues in a nutshell (the "Main Information");
  3. Provide a source and a web-link to the source;
  4. After this, write the "Summary and Context"
  5. If you can find other related documents on the Regulatory Law Review's website, reference them.
  6. If you know of external related documents, reference them, too.
  7. Finally, provide the "Commentary", where you can give your opinion on the commented event or document, as well as summarize the major philosophical, political, or legal issues at hand.

Of course, your work will be published with your signature, and at your option, your contact information.

All work is submitted royalty-free.

In order to structure your report, please use the structure and format of the reports already published on our website as a model. 

Every Report must be approved by the Director before publication.

your comment