Updated: July 12, 2012 (Initial publication: July 12, 2012)

Thesaurus : Doctrine

BIERMANN, Frank and PATTBERG and Philipp (eds)

Global Environmental Governance reconsidered

Global Environmental Governance reconsidered


Complete reference : BIERMANN and PATTBERG (eds), Global Environmental Governance Reconsidered, MIT press, USA, 2012, 320 p.


Frank Biermann is Professor of Political Science and of Environmental Policy at VU University Amsterdam and Visiting Professor of Earth System Governance at Lund University, Sweden.

Philipp Pattberg is Associate Professor of Transnational Governance in the Department of Environmental Policy Analysis, Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University.


The notion of global governance is widely studied. In this book, it is studied about environmental concerns

This book analyzes global governance in terms of three major trends, as exemplified by developments in global sustainability governance :

  • the emergence of nonstate actors : international bureaucraties, global corporations, transnational networks of scientitsts ;
  • the new mechanisms of transnational cooperation : public-private partnerships, markets-based arrangements ; ;
  • the segmented and overlapping layers of authority : vertically and horizontally.






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